Don't you just love how surfing the internet can lead you to the most extraordinary places? Places you never PLANNED to go to and in some cases didn't even know existed?
I will often click on a link, then another link and another and another. By doing this I have come across the weird, the ho-hum and the beautiful! And have you noticed that some sites (blogs particulary) can have the oddest sort of names that you wouldn't normally dream of reading further, yet when you visit them you see that they're doing a brilliant job :)
Some inspirational pictorial sites I have found in the last couple of weeks are Bush Belles (she found me actually and left a comment. I always like to return the favour and found a lovely blog that I now follow). Through Bush Belles I found a link to The Bottom of the Laundry Basket that I now follow as well... and then through there I clicked a link to Bright Bold & Beautiful and now I follow there too! Bloggers aren pretty amazing at spreading the word, aren't we!?
Today was another case of ending up in an unplanned but inspirational place. I was looking at the very pretty key fobs at Bags by Melanie. I ended up doing a little cruising around while I was there (well, that ALWAYS happens when you're on Etsy - it's never a stay of just a few minutes) I saw some things I liked, read that shop's profile and visited their blog. Then I clicked on a link of an Australian store doing upcycled tote bags. They were donating a bag to Hearts for Haiti which I clicked on to find out more. We are all aware of the terrible earthquakes that struck Haiti less than 2 weeks ago. I have already donated funds in the Hope For Haiti Now fundraiser but I wanted to see what this Etsy store was doing.
In this case the wonderful Etsians have banded together and in a few short days have already donated over 2000 items to this Etsy store with all proceeds (less Etsy and Paypal fees) being forwarded to DoctorsWithoutBorders (MédeçinsSansFrontières) specifically for Haitian relief. When I looked this morning the shop had already raised over $16000USD! I can't donate an item as I no longer have an Etsy shop, but I did buy a couple of things :)
I would love to insert an etsy- mini here to show off some of their items, but I have no idea how to! (Yes, I AM technologically challenged.) So click here and visit their store and check out the wonderful things you can purchase and by doing so, send some money help the relief effort in Haiti.
Needless to say, I haven't achieved an awful lot today (surfing the net does that to you!). The children do return to school later this week and although the end of my week is going to be frantic, I have high hopes for the following week when hopefully the dust has settled!
Luckily I was productive on the weekend so the week is not a total loss. At top is a photo of a necklace made with the most gorgeous 'v' or branched freshwater pearls. I assume that they started as two 'stick' pearls and having been moved around by the mussel, they sat next to each other and the nacre built up, joining them together at one end. I think they are fun, a little funky and definitely different.
Till next :)
That is a GORGEOUS necklace! And I know what you mean about ending up in odd places, I could spend all day clicking here and there, it's all so interesting!
i can totally relate - there are days I wonder where the time has gone and it is just from clicking away online and finding the coolest things/articles. Anyway, thanks for sharing about the upcycled bags - I'll be heading there now :)
Wow this necklace is amazing Annette, I have never seen one like it! And I'm off to check out the bags too, as you know I am very passionate about enviro bags of any sort and I just adore the rescued fabric totes I make, its always nice to see others takes on these sorts of things too!
That necklace is posetively beautiful! following you from MBC- and yes, I'm just like you, and I find myself lost in blogland while I awe about all these creative, gorgeous blogs that I wish were mine. LOL.
Great blog. I'd love for you to come see me too!
I came over to say thank you so much for the lovely comment you left on my blog....thank you so much for mentioning me in this post, that's very nice of you :)
One blog definitely leads to another one doesn't it!
Your jewellery is just lovely, how nice to have such a creative talent.
Have a lovely day!
That's a drop dead gorgeous necklace Annette. I did have a giggle with the click, click. click...guess we all fall victim to this wonderful time waster called "surfing". Now you've given us some more to wax up the surfboard and head off too....lol!
Kind Regards
I know just what you are blogging about. That's why, on my Saturday, I'm still sitting in front of the computer midday without having gotten anything on my list done. And why I bought a new pair of shoes. Ahhhhh
Oh so gorgeous! I would LOVE to have this. It's so elegant. xoxo
Annette, please come on over to my blog in the next little while I have nominated you for an award!
Very pretty necklace. I end up wasting time coming across sites and forget how I got there-lol
That is the most beautiful necklace (and a creative use of pearls!).
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