Saturday 20 December 2008

Ho Ho Ho - less than a week to go!

Less than a week to go to Christmas! My children have finished school for their christmas/summer holidays and they're almost jumping out of their skins. (When they had to go to school of course, they were dragging their feet and telling me how tired they were. Good to see that hasn't carried over to the holidays ;) ).

The dancing concert went beautifully - the choreography was brilliant and the story clearly relayed. The girls were lovely little white doves in the opening act and my son was a shiny diamond dancing in the mine during the hip-hop segment. I must say he has finally got his dancing together - it has taken two and a half years but he looked great!

We've also had the christmas carnival, christmas pageant and end of school presentation in the last week. So it's been all stations go, go, go.

I have been able to get into the final handmade market of the year in Tamworth, so tomorrow will be a very early start for the 2 1/2 hour drive. Hubby is coming with me this time to help me set up and pull down and has grand plans of buying a newspaper and sitting in a coffee shop for most of the morning!

I have the Christmas letter written and will attempt to write out some cards today in the hope that I can get them all in the mail on Monday. I must be genetically programmed to do the cards late LOL.

The piece pictured today has gone to a new home already - in fact it was purchased as a Christmas gift. The most wonderful druzy chalcedony (little baby crystals that have naturally grown on a chalcedony base) pendant has been matched with peacock pearls of a wonderful lustre and colour and the smallest highlight of sterling silver.

I may not post before Christmas, so if I don't - all the best of the season to you and yours!


  1. That is a beautiful necklace. I love the color you used. Hope you have a wonderful holiday. blessings.

  2. Annette, wishing you and your family a happy Christmas and merry New Year!!

  3. Hope you have a lovely Christmas and all the best for the New Year!

  4. Happy Holidays to you! Your necklace is beautiful.

  5. Hi, just stopping by your blog to wish you "Merry Christmas" before I hit my hometown for the holidays.

  6. Love the necklace - still hard to picture you having summer when it is - 30 degrees C here!!!! Brrrr!!!!

  7. Wishing you a lovely, not-too-warm holiday :) (And thank you for your comment which the new WordPress zapped as the admin page was loading.:P If you have time please re-submit it.)

  8. Annette, may the true spirit of Christmas be a comforting presence throughout the new year. From my family to yours, a very merry and safe Christmas.


  9. I hope you have a wonderful holiday Annette!
    I look forward to seeing more of your beautiful creations.

  10. Sounds like your a busy busy mummy!
    Enjoy the beautiful holiday!

  11. Merry Christmas to you too, Annette! May this season be filled with wonder.

  12. Merry Christmas to you and yours!! There's a "present" for you on my blog!!

  13. Thank you for the comment on my bracelets. I have been strolling through your blog here and can't even begin to say how lovely your creations are! Just gorgeous on this druzy and the purple piece in the last post are just luscious!
    I hope your holiday went well:)


  14. Annette, that's gorgeous!! my fave so far!


I'd love to hear what you think!