Wednesday 31 December 2008

Photography and magnesite

Christmas is over for another year, in fact another year is almost over - only hours to go until 2009 shows its face!

Our christmas was very family oriented and the children had a wonderful time, as they always do. Did you receive anything you just LOVE? I did! I received an autographed copy of the wonderful book A Grain of Sand by Dr Gary Greenberg. I've mentioned it on my blog before as a wonderful look into something so mundane yet so startingly beautiful that you will never look at sand the same way, ever again! Not just a gorgeous coffee table book, there is wonderful information on both Dr. Greenberg's microphotography and on sand itself.

I was contacted by a fellow who saw my admiration of macrophotography and sent me a link to his photos on flickr. He has taken some wonderful shots of stones that would make great wall art.

Bright blue-greens are always popular in summer and I found a great strand of treated magnesite (pictured above made into a necklace) that gives that wonderful aegean green colour. I haven't dealt with magnesite before and was interested to learn more about it. It is commonly found in a massive form (more rarely as crystals) in white/grey/yellow-brown. Fairly soft at 3.5-4 it has been used for sculpture for thousands of years. (A small Mesopetamian lioness sculpture made of magnesite c. 3000-2800 BC was sold by Sothebys in 2007 for over US$57 million!)

Metaphysically it is said to bring deep peace to meditation. It promotes a positive attitude, stimulates ideas yet has a calming effect on emotions. Said to detoxify the body it acts as a muscle relaxant, treats bone and teeth disorders, speeds up fat metabolism and helps deal with fevers and chills. Sounds like I should save a piece for the medicine cabinet! ;)

My family (and I imagine half of Australia) are off to a New Years Eve celebration tonight. If you have such a gathering to attend I hope you have a wonderful time and I look forward to catching up with you in 2009 ;)

Happy New Year!


  1. Hi, i got your comment from the mommy blog post. I am new to this site. That's awesome you have twin girls and still have time for your jewelry business. Do you have any advice about bringing home twins ?
    it still is shocking to us but exciting. I have so many questions about feeding 2 at the same time. i guess i will manage.

    p.s. your jewelry is so pretty !!!!!!

  2. Just wanted to stop by and wish you a Very Happy New Year. I was just watching the fireworks over Sidney and it made me think of you.

  3. Those are really beautiful. Have a wonderful, safe New Year's Eve and and even more wonderful New Year!

  4. ooh very pretty...your pieces are always so pretty :0)glad to hear you received a great gift...i also received lovely gifts but the most important one was my oldest daughter coming to spend time with us..Happy new years :0)

  5. Happy New Year, Annette ! I'm looking forward to admiring more of your jewelry in 2009.Each one is as uniquely exquisite as the other.

  6. That's great!
    I have Aussie family as well.

    Happy New Year

  7. Happy New Year Annette! I think I need some of that magnesite myself! Hope everything is well!

  8. I guess I need to have something made in that magnesite because I could use the peace around here! It is also very beautiful. Hope you had a wonderful New years. Blessing. :)

  9. Love the photo, as usual!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I hope that you're holidays were grand and happy. I can't believe how fast time is going. You're just a busy as ever, I see.

  10. Awesome jewelry as usual, Annette. I got a neato keen camera for Christmas. LOVE it!

  11. Wishing you a very Happy & Prosperous New Year!

    ciao for now,
    Elena :)

  12. Gorgeous necklace. I tell you what, I know where to come to learn something new! Love your tid bits on gemstones. Very interesting.


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