Friday 12 December 2008

Countdown to Christmas

Can you believe Christmas is less than 2 weeks away!? I have (finally, after a dash or two to some favourite online stores) finished my Christmas shopping. (I do still have a couple of gifts to make, but they're achievable!) I've even bought wrapping paper... in fact I'm feeling pretty organised in the pressie department.

This organisation is actually rare for me, so if you find yourself still going "uh-oh" (and you're downunder!) then check out My New Shiny Shoes - a site that specialises in online shopping sites in Australia.

I received lots of wonderful commments about my 'shop' for a day as pictured last week. I also love seeing other people's displays and work and I found that the TiLT Creations blog has posted a great story on a recent handmade show they attended. I wish I would have been there to have a look (and probably buy) some of the wonderful things pictured there!

I have a busy weekend with my children's dancing concert. They're doing a production of Snow White. The twins are doves (classical ballet) in the opening act and my son is part of the diamond mine (hip-hop). The dancing teacher is a wonderful young lady who has much talent and vision and she is taking all her students on an amazing journey through dance. We have dress rehearsal tomorrow and official photos and then two performances on Sunday. I'll post some pics when I get them, although that may not be until next year.

Oh my, that statement has just made me realise that 2009 starts in less than 3 weeks! Eeek. Does that mean I have to think of some new year resolutions too...

Hmmm, might just ignore that for the moment and concentrate on today's picture LOL. I have a large photo that I take to shows that is of a purple bracelet - a lady at Tamworth was so taken with the picture that she requested a bracelet inspired by it and this is it. It's just so rich and lush - amethyst nuggets and big freshwater pearls in imperial purple and a peacock-blue, all on argentinium sterling silver.


  1. I wish I were as organized as you! I have bought a big fat zero presents yet! But then I am the one you see at the store the last day.
    Lori@Thrifty Thoughts

  2. love that bracelet - beautiful!

    Thanks for the mention :) I love looking at everyone's display. The things people use sometimes are just so interesting. Living where you do...I believe I saw Australia listed there..., I don't think you could have easily made it to Detroit :P

  3. Love that blue bracelet! I'm working on finishing Christmas shopping too.

  4. That's beautiful Annette! Once again, well done!

  5. This is just beautiful!! I love the colors so much.

    There's an award for you to pick up at my blog!!

  6. That blue bracelet is amazing. How much is it? and have you ever thought about selling your jewelry in Sundance catalogue?

  7. Another great piece Annette! I have to say I'm pretty much done with the shopping, all but some things to make! Have a wonderful holiday and we'll get at making those plans!

  8. i love ur bracelet is wonderful..i really love it...grt job
    PS: I have initiated an idea to create a fashion and style blogroll where bloggers from the jewelry, fashion, style and beauty could participate.
    All you need to do is to add my blog link to your blog and i'll do the same.
    That way, we could have a mutual partnership and we could refer visitors to each other's blog.
    Please let me know if you would be interested.

    Barbara and Ellen
    The Gals at SoHo"

  9. Annette, that bracelet is BEAUTIFUL! Can I be you when I grow up? LOL

  10. This is so pretty!! I just love your work....truly!!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. It was so good to see you again. I totally understand about busy.

  11. That braclett is just gorgeous, you are very talented.


I'd love to hear what you think!