Friday 5 December 2008

Coolah open day

My open day(s) in Coolah went really well - the weather was fairly uncomfortable - it was boiling hot on the Thursday with storms in the afternoon and Friday was pleasant to start with, then hot and humid then storms with HAIL! But, many turned out despite the weather and I had a great time all in all.

I was in town on Thursday this week and some people asked if I was open again that day...

Anyway, here is a pic of my 'shopfront' for the two days - looks pretty doesn't it!

I'm in wind down mode at the moment - I even went Christmas shopping today. Mind you I have bought quite a bit on line, with more to go. And I had better get organised as it is only three weeks to Christmas - eek!

I have to spruce up the house this week and get it ready for the decorations :) Oh yes, I'm getting very much in the 'mood'. Mind you this is regardless of the heat we are currently experiencing. It was high 30s today (celsius) - and what was it - two weeks ago we were huddling around the fire!

I really have to do my Christmas cards soon too. I've already received an indecent number of them. Really, some people are SO organised! If you're running late (like me!) do check out Macaroni & Glue - Kelly has some beaut cards - very different from the run of the mill cards you get at this time of the year. She is also running specials for another week, so hop along and grab a unique bargain!

I haven't had time to load new stock onto the site - but the ring above will be one of them put up soon. Made with peridot (one of my all time favourite stones) and 12ct goldfill. Do you like it?


  1. Annette, hello there! I love the bracelet you have at the top of this post---that cuff style with the beads aligned on top is great! Hope your holiday plans are going well----trust me, I'm slow at decorating and cards too, but I guess they will get done, they always do! Teri http:/

  2. Shopfront looks awesome and thanks so much for the mention!

  3. The storefront looks fantastic. Very elegant and upmarket. Congratulations.

  4. Glad your open day went well! Your window display looks just gorgeous ... it must have been a real buzz. Good on you!

  5. No I don't like it...I love it!!! Though blue has always been (and always will be) my favourite colour, I find I lean toward alot of greens.
    It's odd for me to read about that heat as I huddle at the computer with a blanket over my head holding tight to a kitty for warmth. Of course that's just because we've dipped into the 60's here. It's actually warmer outside than it is inside my house. I won't get much sympathy from most of the people in this country.

  6. Lovely ring and storefront! your displays that you post always look amazing. I'm sad to hear of Skwigga-zine, what are your thoughts?

  7. Your 'shopfront' looks gorgeous, well done and I love the ring wonderful colour. Good luck with your Christmas cards!

  8. I love it and I think your shop front is awesome.

  9. yes i am feeling the christmas pressure too..but thankfully i do already have my cards and getting them in the mail today :) your jewelry is gorgeous..

  10. You have beautiful jewelry! I love your designs!

  11. Peridot is one of my favourites too - I love this ring!

  12. Hi Annette..
    I am luvin all of
    the ring is awesome and it's
    my birthstone.You create
    some lovely pieces there:)
    luv the storefront too..
    yes, very elegant..


I'd love to hear what you think!