Thursday 14 October 2010

Back from holidays

I'm home from a wonderful, relaxing holiday in Queensland *sigh*. I was full of energy first day back, yesterday I hit the post-holiday low and then today I'm feeling a bit more 'normal' LOL!

We drove north west (instead of north east) and went to visit family in Bollon (west of St. George) in Qld. They live on a magnificent property "Woolerina" where they run sheep, cattle and horses. Last time we visited it was dry and dusty no matter where you looked, this time it was green! We're farmers and graziers but their operation is at a whole new level. Typical outback living and we all enjoyed our short stay immensely. The children can't wait to return.

We then turned east and eventually north-east and made our way to Woodgate and the beach.

There was lots of time for all of us to read, time to play games with the kids and daily walks along the beach. I saw dolphins which was a real thrill, hubby and son saw sea turtles and the twins are cross they didn't manage to see either!

I even managed some exercise - a bit of a shock to the body I'm sure! I was up every day around 5am and off for a jog. The warmer weather (but not hot) made it easy to commit to doing this daily!

The kangaroos were often entertaining too - if you haven't heard me talk of Woodgate before it's a rare town, situated between the beach and national park and there are kangaroos everywhere - on the streets, in the yards nibbling the lawns, on the beach in the mornings. Usually they just look cute (or in the case of the big males, rather intimidating) but these pair were having a fight in between our house and the neighbours...

The weather was consistently warm - even on the one day it rained it was still warm (very bizarre having come essentially from winter here on the farm) and the clothing layers reduced to one light one.

I even got to go shopping in a big town - with lots of shops yippee! - weekly. Such a rarity for me.

The weather a couple of hours drive south of us was atrocious with falls of 200mm in 24 hours. This was our destination on the return journey as my brother in law was getting married. The day of the wedding was gale force winds and rain, so the wedding moved indoors and the pool party became a normal party watching the rain sheet down!

So, I'm back in the saddle now, as they say, and have to wait patiently for another year till we can get away again.

I have a show (eek), this weekend, at the "Mayfield" open garden at Birriwa - a fundraiser for CanTeen. Lots of people say they're coming so it may be a very busy day - the gardens are supposed to be gorgeous and cover 3 acres, so it will be lovely to see!

Till next :)


  1. Fighting kangaroos??? Well that puts our neighborhood kids in perspective....

  2. I like the sound of a town sandwiched between a national park and the beach, sounds like you all had a lovely time. Back to the real world now :)

  3. Sounds like an awesome holiday! Love the pics especially the kangaroos!

    WOW!I've never seen dolphins in the wild, only those in captivity. How awesome!!

    Have a nice day, Annette!

  4. welcome home :) when you said mayfield I got excited as I thought it must be our mayfield here outside oberon - but I think not ... shame I would have come by - hugs le

  5. It sounds like a lovely vacation, Annette. I love the pic of the kangaroos, although it looks more like they're dancing than fighting. Ha, ha! Good luck on your show this weekend!

  6. Hi Annette.

    We had dolphins swimming next to our yacht this holiday. Magical aren't they? Sounds like I'm bragging but we only had 4 days away. Your hols sound refreshing and longer is better.

    Charlotte was attacked by a kangaroo earlier in the year in WA so they are definitely intimidating. She was shocked, scratched but otherwise fine.

    Hopefully you're back into the swing of things.

  7. Sounds like an amazing vacation!! Dolphins and Sea cool! Fighting kangaroos, how wild! Not a common occurrence in the US, we only have to worry about the occasional deer and rabbit. ;)

  8. Love the pictures. Your vacation are nothing like my vacations.


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