Tuesday 21 September 2010

Shows, an Airshow and now its almost holiday time!

I’ve been a very bad blogger. I’ll admit it. I’ve been going along at a 110% (which we all know is totally unsustainable) so things started to drop off. I miss being online. I feel like I’m falling behind by not keeping up to date in my fellow blogger’s worlds!

And just to compound my discomfort offline, I am off on our annual holiday in a couple of days time. YAY for the holiday – lots of reading, lazing around, beach walks, bike rides and family time. But BOO to no internet coverage!

Since I last wrote I’ve had two, two-day shows. Quirindi was the first. The show was great fun and many husbands said “oh no, not you!” but their wives smiled widely :D . The second show was at Merriwa with gorgeous weather, lots of familiar faces and ladies keen to look at and partake of the new collection. It’s so lovely to be welcomed by the ladies so warmly!

Country shows are great fun and as I’m situated in the ladies pavilion, I get to see all the local talent – the green fingered ladies with their flowers, the cooks with their cakes and preserves, the patient ladies with their needlework, embroidery, sewing and knitting, the artists with their paintings and sculpture, the budding younger artists with their drawings and the avid photographers with their creative photos. It’s always great to see the men having a go too – Merriwa always has a brave gent or two competing in the cooking arena and lots of them in the fresh produce department.

Naturally there are the horse events, cattle judging, pet parades and more. Merriwa had a ute muster and with all their big lights and myriad of aerials, I assume these young fellows are very lonely and scared of the dark! They also had a roving magician as part of the entertainment and I had my own private little show at one stage with some incredibly good card ‘tricks’ – a polished performance, I still have no idea how he did it.

We finished the weekend off with a visit to the RAAF Williamtown Airshow. The last one we attended there was in 1985 and when I told this to one young airman he made me feel incredibly old when he told me he hadn’t even been born then!

The show was quite spectacular, starting off with Matt Hall, of Red Bull Air Race fame; two incredible formation flights of aeroplanes from different eras (the poor old Neptune at the front must have been going flat out compared to the F111 in the same flight!); the last public performance from a F111 that was awe inspiring and made everyone jump when he sneaked up on us all; and a fantastic solo by an F-18 that showed so much skill and control in such a powerful machine. Of course there were many more air displays that we all enjoyed but the ones above were amazing! All in all a fantastic day, although it was soooo long with a three hour drive each way added on to a full day at the show. Truly memorable though and worth it.

So, please forgive my absence, including one for the next couple of weeks. But I promise I will think of you while I’m walking along the beach, playing games with the kids, reading a huge pile of novels and snoozing regularly … well, maybe a passing thought now and again ;)

Till next

PS. Today’s pic – this one found a new home last weekend - from my Beach Party Collection, it’s fun and bright mother of pearl shell, sterling silver and freshwater cultured pearls.


  1. Have fun on your holiday, and I love the bright, beautiful necklace!

  2. Have fun on your holiday, Annette!
    The necklace is gorgeous. The combination of colours is awesome.

    Have a nice day!

  3. I hope you are having a fantastic holiday! I'm so happy that you are taking some time to relax and that you are having a great time at the country shows. I have to tell you - I think my husband would say the same thing... :-) I absolutely love your work and I always show it to him on your blog!

    Love this necklace too!

  4. Sounds like you have been having lots of fun! Have a great time on your holiday!

  5. That necklace is just lovely, Annette! The colors are so harmonious and pretty together.

    Please don't feel the least bit guilty about the sporadic blogging. (I'm saying this because I, of course, have been awful lately!) We're in the midst of our back-to-school month and no matter how many years in a row I've done this, it always requires a major readjustment of my time. Have an incredible holiday!

  6. How do you do it? Your color sense is so wonderful--I have not bought one of the many pieces I lust after simply because we are in the black hole of financing kids' college educations. But I LOVE your beach party collection!

    Oh, and everyone who blogs needs a breadk!

  7. What a bright necklace. Something I should try since I wear mostly dull and dark. lol

  8. hello there - hope the hols were fab - looking forward to seeing some new pieces when you want to share - best le


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