Tuesday 10 August 2010

Moods and Creativity

I've had a lovely couple of days working on my spring/summer collection. In fact I have the whole week scheduled for nothing else!

Monday I was into the turquoise blues as it was a sunny, bright day. But Tuesday it was raining most of the day - everything was soggy and with the low clouds things were dim. But I put myself in mind of spring rain rather than winter rain and ended up working with the wonderful watery-looking stone, aquamarine. A sneak peak at one of the pieces above!

It's funny how your mood/surroundings will be reflected in what you create. Monday I was trying to get things done in between unexpected visitors, telephone calls and housework. The clear skies and warm breeze did lift my mood (luckily!) from harried to 'getting the job done'. The pieces I created when I eventually got to my bench were consequently also more 'energetic'. Easy to wear, eye catching, low maintenance - I could see people throwing them on as they rushed out the door for a busy day - not thinking about them until it was time for bed after another busy day.

Yesterday, however, with the wet weather settled in, I enjoyed the peace of the constant thrumming of rain on the roof and enjoyed the calm in my quiet, warm studio. When the rain started during the night I started to think about a particular aquamarine strand that had been sitting, patiently waiting for me to have some inspiration about it. I sat down with it in the morning and it all came together beautifully (I just love it when that happens!) Looking back at the day's work, the designs from yesterday are serene and unfussy - someone will put them on with care and thoroughly enjoy them.

I wonder what today will bring?

Can you believe we're well into August already? That means spring is just a couple of weeks away! And now we're well into the second half of the year many people I know have started to do things for Christmas. One girlfriend, incredibly, has already FINISHED her gift buying!!! Incredible. Monique from Your Cheeky Monkey has started on her Christmas crafts. Even I have not been immune - I have already designed and received my Christmas postcards! Considering I left it till the last minute last year and paid a premium for the rush job, I must have learned my lesson! Have you started thinking about the "C" word yet, or are you already in denial?

Till next :)


  1. Beautiful piece Annette, so pretty! it reminds me of ice, you know the blue kind you get on glaciers?
    Yes, I can't believe that we're in August, next step Christmas LOL

  2. t's funny how your mood/surroundings will be reflected in what you create.


    This is EXACTLY why I have to have some alone time to really get into making things. It's hard for me to get into things with iCarly on the TV and my son asking me fifty million questions (as much as I love him!).

  3. Very pretty. I agree, it looks like ice. I'd love to have you on my blog roll Annette. See the link for details.


    Oh, and yes, I've started thinking about Christmas. lol

  4. Beautiful new piece!! So pretty!

    I can't believe our summer is already over and fall is around the corner.

  5. Beautiful piece and it does remind me of ice. Love it.

    Can you believe we've been pallies for 3 winters already?

    Have a nice day, Annette!

  6. Wow - I love that sneak peek! It looks gorgeous!

    As far as Christmas, I'm still in denial :-) But I know how the end of the year sneaks up... I've started putting my mind in that direction, but that's about it.

  7. Beautiful piece! Do you ever ship to the States?

  8. Lori, ah yes - iCarly may affect you being able to work productively!!

    Kelly - I'll have to work on that one!

    Veronica - has it been that long already!? WOW!

    Annette - yes I ship worldwide and regularly send things to the USA, Canada and England.

    Everyone else - Christmas is creeping up! You can ignore it but it won't stay away ^^

  9. Haven't visited your blog in awhile and look what I missed! Love your descriptions of how what's around you inspires your creations. It's a way of experiencing your envirnment. I guess that's why churning out the same things over and over doesn't appeal to those who are connected to all the nuances in their surroundings.

  10. Had to see if you had a new piece posted. Very pretty!

  11. You have a very involving way of writing. I have only lately started visiting your blog but I am sure that I will come back often.

  12. Beautiful piece Annette, so pretty!!!
    Such a beautiful piece of jewelry. I remember those days which i spend holidays in winter days...


I'd love to hear what you think!