Wednesday 4 August 2010

Inspiration and Music

Spring is in the air again today with bright blue skies, a light breeze and warm sunshine. Of course, this follows some miserably cold days, wet days and even minor local flooding! I'm again working on my spring/summer collection inspired by the warmth and finding myself drawn to bright, bold colours - pink, blue and purple, citrus colours with saffron yellow and lime and lovely bright and rich reds. Of course, gems DO limit my ability to work with bright colours as they're not really found that way in nature. But I have some plans with one of my favourite stones - icy clear rock crystal quartz which should cool down the hottest summer day!

It IS hard to get inspired though at times and I find a little escape can be great for kicking the inspiration into gear - a drive outside your immediate environs (as I did for the show in Scone last weekend) can be great. I saw countryside, rich in varied shades of green and brown - the paddocks with bright green oat and wheat crops, rich chocolate soil laying fallow, light brown paddocks of old native grasses. Add to that the rushing, turbulent brown creeks after the recent rain and the fresh green grassy banks next to the creeks. It gives you a fresh perspective, as Michelle mentioned recently on her blog.

If you're stuck and can't get out and about though, I also find a good book where you can escape into a different life; a movie where you can live vicariously through the storyline and even music can inject some lift into your step!

Speaking of music, I'm a fan of classical, jazz and the standards as a rule, however I find I'm getting more and more drawn to what I term 'light classical' or 'contemporary classical'. My children's piano teacher describes this sort of music as desert, whereas true classical is the main course! Since I've always had a bit of sweet tooth, this analogy is probably pretty right :)

If you'd like to try out some contemporary classical, do have a listen to
*Ludovico Eindaudi, a classically trained pianist from Italy who is very popular in Europe and the UK for his compositions and concerts. I love his CD "Echoes - The Einaudi Collection" which has a great selection of his work - I find the songs quite uplifting.
*Yiruma, also a classically trained pianist from Korea. His work is quite well known, even if you don't think you know of him, as he has written scores for films. My favourite CD of Yiruma's is "First Love" - just gorgeous music to listen and relax to.

OK, so now I've set you up for listening to some beautiful music, I'd better tell you about today's pic :) This bracelet found a new home in the Scone district ... along with its matching necklace and earrings. Mother of pearl shell in a gorgeous soft mid-blue with sterling silver balls and faceted iolite gems.

Till next :)


  1. It is so weird that you are enjoying Spring weather and we are here roasting in our summer weather. Although I do love summer! Oh, and I love that piece at the top of the page. So neat! :)

  2. I have been drawn to those colors lately, too. Thank you for the inspiration. =D

  3. Oh yes, I love a good book too. It's an amazing escape. After doing that Jane Austen post, I feel like I relly need to read it again! Lovely post Annette.

  4. The bracelet is beautiful as always, Annette.

    I've never read a book from cover to cover ever since the boys were born and especially now that I'm blogging! When I put a book down for too long, I can't remember the characters and have to reread from the beginning again!!

    Happy Friday!!

  5. Oh please send some Spring weather our way Annette - it's been a week of truly miserable, icy conditions here.
    Millie ^_^

  6. Hi Annette-I wanted to let you know that my blog has moved and you can now find me at :)

  7. I love look of that bracelet, Annette!

    We're in the midst of summer here in the U.S. and we just had a perfect day. Seventy-nine degrees and sunny with puffy white clouds and an awesome breeze. My son and I took an 8-mile bike ride--a perfect escape.

  8. Some nice beads on that bracelet there!

  9. Annette great comments for getting inspiration. I sometimes find it very hard to come up with fresh looking cards.

  10. I would love to be in Spring weather! I cant wait til fall comes here though.

  11. i love this one - but you know what i pretty much love all your work :) le xox


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