Friday 7 May 2010

Something colourful for World Colouring Day

I really should be abed - I have the show in Scone tomorrow, but I realised I hadn't blogged this week and with the show Saturday, Mother's Day on Sunday, plus a jaunt out on Sunday afternoon for the children's eisteddfod rehearsals, it's now or never ... but I will keep it short!

I've had a wonderful creative week and so its been very satisfying. It didn't start off that way and I spent many hours trying to make it to the bench but was either too busy, unwell with a rather nasty case of the flu or just not feeling in the mood (creative types can be so annoying eh?!). But eventually I just sighed and sat down to finish some half finished earrings off after the kids left for school and the next thing I knew the kids were walking back through the door and the day was almost over.

Naturally the muse took me where she will and I ended up with a variety of styles and colours, but I've learned to take this in my stride these days. Do you find that you have the desire to create anything - a piece of art, craft or even just doodling or making dinner and you end up doing something completely different from your first idea? Yep, that's me ;) Of course, this tendency plays havoc with custom orders where I have to fight my instinct and stay on track to what the customer wants!

Did you know that one day this past week was World Colouring Day? According to the Business Mums Blog it was May 6, so if you did something colorful, or your children did, good on you! Even though I've officially just missed it by a day, I've decided my contribution to this day can be my photo for today's post - a bright combination of red, yellow, black and teal blue. It's a long chain linked necklace with bright red bamboo coral, black agate and lava, yellow aragonite, citrine and honey jade and blue-green Xianjiang and Hubei turquoise. And of course, masses of sterling silver. It coloured my day, how about yours?

Hope you have a lovely weekend and Happy Mums Day for Sunday!

Till next :)


  1. What a fun piece!
    I hope you are well and had a Great Mother's Day! :)

  2. What vibrant colours! I love it.

    Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, Annette! You totally deserved it.

  3. I love colorful necklaces like that!

  4. I do love when the muse grabs hold and takes me where she will. That happened with the story I'm currently working on. I ended up with a totally different plot than what I started out with--but hey, it works! ;o)

    Your work is just beautiful as always, Annette. I hope your show went well!

  5. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day! And hope your show went well!

  6. Yes, I know well what you mean--you can start off in one direction and be steered in another. I think that's why it's so important to just sit down and start. It's like practing music--just start--it's often the repetitive ritual that opens the door to the Muse!


I'd love to hear what you think!