Saturday 1 May 2010

Blink ... and another week is gone

Gosh the weeks are just blurring together. I always seem to be out and about during the week and before I blink the week has gone with not much to show for it! It seems to be a bit that way though - a frantic week with lots getting made and done and then a week that just whizzes past that I don't even get to my 'urgent & important' list! Maybe that means that next week will be an achieving week??? For some reason I don't think so...

Thanks for the many commiserating comments last week on the state of my weedy garden - it's good to know I'm not alone! The weather has cooled down dramatically this week (a good temperature for weeding - not that I've done any more!) and I've started dropping hints to hubby about 'firewood'. He hasn't taken me up on the hint though. Ah well, it will get cold enough eventually that he won't be able to ignore it anymore.

I played farmer again this week, fortunately only for a morning. Luck wasn't on my side though and my ignorance played against me - I ran out of fuel just after moving the stock. I pushed the bike about a km to the nearest cross-track and then walked the remaining couple of km home. Lesson learned. I'll check the fuel tank next time!

I was reading a post today at Dana's about vintage items and a woman returning a 1960s purse that she was unhappy with as it wasn't 'new'. Poor Dana feels sick about a customer not being happy, and I can certainly sympathise with that - we all want our customers to be thrilled. But I would imagine it's a little hard to find 'new' and 'vintage' unless you come across a warehouse of untouched stock?

I've not really dealt with vintage before - unless it is a restoration job on someone's favourite old jewels, which probably doesn't count! There seems to be a fair population that do though. Do you buy vintage? If you do, I'd be interested to hear what your thoughts on vintage - both the positives and the pitfalls - are.

My extra good news this week is that the Mega Mums Giveaway was drawn and one of my entrants won it! Jenny from Mendooran is the lucky recipient and is still stunned by her win. Her husband thinks she's never won anything before except an argument with him, so it sounds like it is well deserved!

Next weekend I am off to the Scone Grammar School's annual Fete. I have attended the last two years and last year already had some 'regulars', so I'm looking forward to catching up with them again. They have changed the set up this year with lots of outside vendors so it should be a fun market-like atmosphere. If you're in the vicinity, drop by to the school on Saturday between 10am and 3pm.

Today's photo is of a handmade chain of sterling silver, dusky rose rhodonite nuggets, chocolate jasper ovals, big rectangles of rose quartz and huge white freshwater pearls. It's a long necklace with chain at the back but as you can see is easily doubled to a chunkier shorter style.

Till next :)


  1. Sounds like it was a busy week.

    I am not a big fan of vintage because I like more contemporary styles, but if I was into it I would think that the story behind the item would be the charm of the piece.

    Your necklace is lovely!

  2. Like I've said before, you're amazing! A superwoman!

    I love vintage!

    This week's necklace is exquisite. I run out of superlatives each time I see your creations.

    Have a nice day, Annette.

  3. Fabulous jewelry, I love your site and your style!!

    Art by Karena

  4. Sounds like a busy week. Time seems to be flying by here, too.

    Such a pretty necklace.

  5. Good luck @ the Scone Fete Annette - I'm sure you'll have the Mum's queuing around the block to check out yor beautiful pieces.
    Millie ^_^u

  6. Wow! It's a busy week. I love this week's necklace.

  7. I like vintage pieces but don't collect them (unless they are a piece of jewelry I can take apart and redesign,) because I think "vintage" is part of a whole look. You have to wear it, display it or use it with a certain eye for it to work.

    I think your design sense is exquisite and enjoy randomly perusing your blog and store!! One thing, the picture on your post about "angelite" does not appear, and I am curious as to what it looks like and what you did with it!

  8. Thanks for letting me know about the angelite picture Cate - I've reloaded it (thank goodness I keep EVERY photo of every piece I've made, eh!?)

  9. loving this one - the tone on tones just work so well together... have a happy mums day tomorrow best le xoxo


I'd love to hear what you think!