Friday 9 April 2010

A late bunny story, Sydney jewels and hectic holidays

It's been a busy week with Easter and the associated family gatherings, children's piano lessons (even though school is on holiday, piano definitely isn't!) and my rostered morning at the local saleyards canteen (and the baking of the fresh blueberry muffins before I had to leave). In fact I can't believe it's already Friday - half the term break gone already!

I know Easter is past, but I couldn't resist sharing this photo and story that I stumbled upon a couple of days ago.

This is the world's biggest rabbit. Named Darius, he is just 12 months old and at 1.3 metres and 22kg hasn't finished growing yet! Apparently he eats 12 carrots, 6 apples and 2 cabbages a day. Geez, I hope his owner lives on a farm and grows her own veggies, otherwise this big boy would eat her out of house and home rather quickly!

In jewellery news - if you like looking at gorgeous mega dollar jewels (in particular diamonds), then Sydney is the place to be this month. Sotheby's is hosting an auction on Monday 12 April of Australian Argyle diamond and other fine jewellery items. Then, at the end of the month, Bvlgari is opening a retrospective of their jewels in their Castleraegh Street store from April 28 featuring more than 60 masterpieces from their archives. A visit to Sydney is sounding VERY appealing about now!

In my other wanderings around the web, I was inspired by Melanie - she normally makes bags, fobs and purses but she has recently taken a slight detour into needle felting and has been showing her readers the most adorable toys on her blog recently.

And if you have a blog but, unlike me, don't feel comfortable just chatting away into the ether, then have a read of Melissa's blog where she has some great suggestions on how to find something to blog about.

I did manage some creative time in these hectic holidays - it was night and silence descended early with the children watching an early movie and then going to bed. I just beavered away at my bench, a bright glow amongst the darkness. The photo at top is one piece that was made that night. Although its design is plain, the dark agate stones are just gorgeous - rich, glossy and totally desirable!

Till next :)


  1. Annette, thanks for the link to Melissa's blog, I am always running out of things to talk about (although some would beg to differ, LOL)

  2. My goodness that rabbit is HUGE!Your jewelry is lovely!

  3. OMG! That bunny is giganormous!!

    My last visit to Sydney was 18 years ago - we had our honeymoon there.

    The necklace is gorgeous. Love the colour, simple yet elegant.

  4. Just perused a bunch of your posts and need to tell you that I think your jewelry is just beautiful. It never ceases to amaze me how Creativity can arrange and rearrange patterns for authentic expresssion--just like Western music out of the same 12 tones!!

  5. What a big bunny! I am glad I don't have to feed it. Melanie has a great blog thanks for sharing the link.

    Very pretty necklace.

  6. I SAW that rabbit on MSN. SOOOO cute! I kind of want one now. LOL- though, he eats more than all my kids put together. LOL.

  7. OMG what size poop does that bunny leave around the house? So cute!!

    That necklace is to die for!

  8. Life's little synchronicities. Whilst wondering what to blog about, I decided to check in here to read your latest post and there was the link to Melissa's blog.

    Thanks Annette and as always lovely creations coming from you.

    Can't leave without mentioning the rabbit. Beyond cuddly! I'm only small, so a lighter, smaller pet suits me best. LOL

  9. hi annette,
    i haven't stopped over in a bit to say "hi" so i'm popping ova now to see what's new in your part of blogashere... i have been crazy busy lately and in late winter opened an etsy shop myself i need to hop back over to creative bloggers and join back in. in any event i wanted to say "hi!"
    shelley :)
    ps that is one HUGE rabbit, i can't believe she was actually holding it!

  10. Nice work on the necklace it's most elegant looking.

    And I saw that story about the bunny!! He's HUGE, isn't he?! He shares the same name as the hubby of a friend of mine so she found the story particularly funny. ;o)

  11. That is one HUGE rabbit! You wouldn't want to get between him and his veges!!


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