Friday 2 April 2010

A big week for jewellery

Days are dashing past lately faster than I can keep up with! I hope this isn't an indication of life in general and getting older though...otherwise things will get pretty blurry as they speed past soon! My eldest has just turned 12 - we've already started the moodiness, the switching off (my voice just becomes a background buzz I'm sure!) and the attitude. I gather its only going to get worse so I'm taking it all one day at a time.

We've had more rain this past week - quite incredible after years of drought to have this regular rainfall. The pastures are responding beautifully and the cows, I'm sure, are feasting on the feed. Hubby has gone away for a few days flying aerobatics (at the National Aerobatics Competition) and so I'm back on duty as Farmer Piper. Fingers crossed I don't have any 'stories' (aka problems!) to relate to you on that front next time I write ;)

I had a fantastic day at Mendooran Show last weekend. The ladies were incredibly welcoming and fitted me into their pavillion beautifully - just like I was meant to be there. It was a bit on the hot side, made worse by the uniquitous Australian tin shed we were in - very practical, but hot in summer and cold in winter! But regardless of the heat lots of ladies went home with some new jewels and big smiles which is just the way I like it :) The photo above is of a piece that found a new home - lashings of freshwater pearls in all shapes and sizes and colours.

In fact its been a big week on the jewellery front. I've been very busy doing orders, remodels and sitting down designing with clients. One remodel was different - to turn a bracelet full of Pandora charms that the client no longer wears into a necklace. It is actually looking rather lovely with the charms mixed amongst black lava.

One client came over and choose a pair of elegant citrine and gold earrings to go as a gift to Italy and ended up leaving with a gorgeous pair of pink amethyst earrings for herself as well. I like the way she thinks - "one for a gift, one for me... "

I also had a wonderful meeting with one client who in her younger days (1950-60s) worked for a jewellery house in the city. She regaled me with her wonderful 'tiara' story - lets just say the tiara - which had also been designed as a necklace - got a night out on the town unexpectedly and she got to look literally like a million dollars!

Sometimes jewellery can be a fascinating field to be in - you get to meet wonderful people, hear riveting stories and get to touch on people's lives all over the world :)

Till next :)


  1. that necklace is gorgeous! i love multi colored pearls. i think they are such a wonderful surprise, as most people expect pearls to just be white...
    congrats on the all the orders!

  2. Love your jewelry! and love all the bright colors in that necklace - it just feels "alive" ~ very nice!

  3. I'm in agreeance with Amber & Ollie. Very classy. Your life sounds very rewarding amongst the difficulties of raising a 12 yr old. Heck, my 4 y/o daughter sounds like him. Already! Oy Vay.

    I've been on hols in WA. Heading back to Victoria tonight. Thought I'd stop by your blog to say thanks for checking into mine. I can't access my WP site at the moment to reply directly to your comments on Kindergarten etc.

    Have been very slack with doing posts lately. Can't wait to get back in there :-)

  4. LOL, I hear ya, Annette (about your eldest). Mine will be turning 13 soon and he is driving me nuts.

    Arggggh!! Teenagers!!

    Multi-coloured pearls are to die for!
    They're so vibrant.

    Congrats on the orders!!

  5. They look lovely! It's so nice when you are getting lots of work, makes it feel like it's worthwhile and you're appreciated. Good luck with the farm, I'm glad you've got some rain.

  6. The necklace is so pretty!

    I am not looking forward to more attitude. My oldest son is almost 9.

    Congrats on the orders. I love creating custom pieces.

    Good luck with the farm.

  7. Meeting people and hearing their stories is so cool, isn't it? That's one of the things I love about writing.

    And I love the colors in that necklace above. Just gorgeous! It coordinates with so many things!

  8. I love that necklace!
    My novel is out!
    or, enter to win a free one on my blog!

  9. It has been raining off and on here too. Hope you don't have any incidents on the farm while your hubby is away.

    Beautiful piece of jewelry in the pic above! :)

  10. annette

    love the necklace. i want it!!!! would love to see the outcome of the pandora necklace - sounds interesting.

    so glad to hear you have grass and the cows are happy. we are still getting rain here in brisbane at night.

    i haven't forgotten about the photo of the amber earrings to try and change/remodel. i think the studs are too small to be changed over and i have to try and find the others again. lol!!!!

  11. Your boy will be MIA (Missing In Adolescence) in for while Annette, but rest assured he'll be back & your relationship will be stronger than ever. Glad your Show stand was so successful, I'm sure you had some very happy clients.
    Millie ^_^

  12. Sounds like you had a wonderful show Annette.
    Those colourful pearls are just stunning!

    My eldest daughter just turned 15 today, the middle one turned 12 a week ago and the youngest is 10 ... welcome to those wonderful teenage years!
    Hang in there ... we have a lot more years ahead of us.


I'd love to hear what you think!