Sunday 15 November 2009

The upcoming festive party season

I'm getting back on track (finally!) and been checking out what has been happening in the jewellery world.

There have been a few star-studded events recently and I was pleased to see the gals at the 10th Annual Latin Grammy Awards glammed it up and donned their jewels! And the First Lady's (Michelle Obama's) appearance on the cover of the US Glamour magazine has her frocked up for the party season wearing a big statement necklace.

Yes, unbelievably the festive party season is just around the corner. Eeek. This means our already overfull diaries are going to be even fuller as we work out HOW we can squeeze another Christmas drinks invite in!

I love the opportunity to get dressed up, glammed up and out and about, as out here in the country those opportunities are fairly sparse. But the festive period is different. Everyone starts to unwind from the year, the pressure of school eases, the kids are excited by the upcoming present-fest and all that extra daylight and warm weather has to be taken advantage of!

I must admit to loving the maxi-dress for these events - they hide a multitude of (body) sins, look feminine, are comfortable and are perfect for wearing something sparkly with! The earrings I've pictured above would be great with a colourful dress - not competing with it, but just adding some gleam! Made with pink and regular amethyst they are long and elegant and thankfully light (I find some long styles are just too heavy for me).

If you feel a little worried about the whole party scene, do check out the great post Unleash Your Inner Party Girl at Cherry Mag - lots of great advice!

Have you started to receive your festive occasion invites yet? In fact have you even THOUGHT about Christmas yet - its less than six weeks away now!


  1. Very pretty Annette! yes Christmas will be here before we know it now. We have our first Christmas party next Saturday and have started the Christmas shopping, as I really want to beat those crowds:)

  2. Terrific article, isn't it? Thanks for the mention.

  3. Thanks for the reminder, Annette!!

    Yeap, Christmas is just round the corner.
    Love the earrings.

  4. I love the delicacy of the earrings, Annette! I have the same problem with heavy earrings and rarely wear chandelier earrings because of that. And I can't believe christmas is getting to be so close already! Eek!


  5. Wow, I didn't realize it was less than 6 weeks away! That really makes me think I need to get my butt in gear and get my shopping done! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the earrings! :)

  6. I agree! I love the maxi dress! And those earrings are so lovely!

  7. You're right, those earrings would be perfect for the holiday season

  8. I really need to get my ears pierced again. Those are great!

  9. lovely earrings...perfect present...can you tell hubby?


I'd love to hear what you think!