Wednesday 4 November 2009

More beach photos

Morning sky at Woodgate Beach

I can't believe another couple of weeks have passed - in a blur! The first week was just my fuzzy 'holiday head' where I was quite content just to kick back.... Then last week we went to Temora for the NSW Aerobatic Championships where I was contest secretary. This involved very long days, extremely hot weather, very little sleep and lots of brain power.... but I survived LOL. We got home yesterday and I'm still exhausted. I'll get back on track soon, promise!

In the meantime here are some more holiday pics (click on them to see them larger!) :)

Shells on the beach

Morning sun filtering through the trees along The Esplanade

Kangaroo on the beach

Till next :)


  1. Wow lovely images...
    I love the pic of the kangaroo on the beach.
    Nice that you are having a lovely time...Anyway I have visited Queensland a year ago and it was a wonderful experience.


  2. Not only do you make great jewellery Annette, but you take a great photo as well:) love the colours in the shells on the sand shot.

  3. What beautiful pictures!! And what a gorgeous spot for a vacation. I love the kangaroo on the beach too. Thanks for sharing with us!!


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