Friday 27 November 2009

Busy as expected a month before Christmas

It's been another busy week - as expected for this time of the year! I watched my children appear in their school play, had my show in Tamworth in 45+ degree (C) heat, did a morning's baking, celebrated my 20th wedding anniversary, loaded lots of new stock onto the website, almost caught up on my outstanding 'to do' list (we won't talk about the current to do list!!) and have even found some time to entertain a guest visiting from the USA and, amazingly, to make some jewellery! Gosh, I sound like a powerhouse LOL.

But, we all know that I'm just another mother - getting stressed, worrying over my children's schooling and activities, ignoring the fact that Christmas is just around the corner and going gray during the whole process (darn dye never lasts long enough!!)

That's the good thing about being creative, you switch off from the mundane and lose yourself in the creativity! Of course, the school bus eventually brings the children home, or the phone rings, or the computer beeps and tells me there is another message .... and life is suddenly back to normal.

Nevertheless, I keep hiding out in the studio and eventually something gets done. The pretty blue earrings photographed above are from a recent creative burst. Very chic, they are made with royal blue lapis lazuli topped with a small blue sapphire. I'd wear them, would you!?

Next week is my annual show in Coolah so I'm trying to find the time to make just a few more things before hand. Glutton for punishment, eh!?

'Till next
Annette :)

Thursday 19 November 2009

Finding things in common

I'm feeling like I'm back in the swing of things down here on the farm - i.e. I'm starting to get stressed at what I have to do before Christmas is upon me; my bench is piling up with "to do's"; and afternoons spent running the children around to after-school activities is slowly driving me to screaming point. All in all - back to normal LOL.

We're in the midst of some REALLY hot weather this week - it was easily in the low 40's (celsius) today and so very dry. We did have a splatter of rain in a storm but not enough to cool things off. Considering we're still in spring, this could pose a certain worry for the summer that is still to come!

I've managed to catch up on a little bit of blog reading and one thing that I love about reading blogs is the things you find you have in common with people - even if they seem so far removed from you. Whether that be in location or occupation or social status! It's great to find out that a fashion editor in London saves up her special buys and gifts 'for best' (even if 'best' rarely if ever arrives!). And the novelist in rural England who is an AWOL blogger and resident of a very dusty house because life keeps getting in her way. And even the European chef who couldn't decide WHAT to take (foodwise) to a party (nice to know even the professionals can't make up their mind!).

Do you follow a blogger who you've grown to see isn't that different from you after all?

Nancy from Tole4Thee noticed she had something in common with Victoria Beckham. Read her story here as it makes you realise we're really all just human beings sharing the planet!

I've started to make some jewels this past week as I have my first show since my holidays this weekend, at Tamworth. In aid of the Australian Brain Foundation, this annual Christmas fair is eagerly awaited and it is the first year I have been able to get in. I'm hoping for a day of meeting lots of new people and introducing them to the wonderful world of natural gemstones and pearls.

Perhaps someone will fall in love with this new bracelet of Hubei turquoise and sterling silver. It would look great winter or summer, don't you think!?

Sunday 15 November 2009

The upcoming festive party season

I'm getting back on track (finally!) and been checking out what has been happening in the jewellery world.

There have been a few star-studded events recently and I was pleased to see the gals at the 10th Annual Latin Grammy Awards glammed it up and donned their jewels! And the First Lady's (Michelle Obama's) appearance on the cover of the US Glamour magazine has her frocked up for the party season wearing a big statement necklace.

Yes, unbelievably the festive party season is just around the corner. Eeek. This means our already overfull diaries are going to be even fuller as we work out HOW we can squeeze another Christmas drinks invite in!

I love the opportunity to get dressed up, glammed up and out and about, as out here in the country those opportunities are fairly sparse. But the festive period is different. Everyone starts to unwind from the year, the pressure of school eases, the kids are excited by the upcoming present-fest and all that extra daylight and warm weather has to be taken advantage of!

I must admit to loving the maxi-dress for these events - they hide a multitude of (body) sins, look feminine, are comfortable and are perfect for wearing something sparkly with! The earrings I've pictured above would be great with a colourful dress - not competing with it, but just adding some gleam! Made with pink and regular amethyst they are long and elegant and thankfully light (I find some long styles are just too heavy for me).

If you feel a little worried about the whole party scene, do check out the great post Unleash Your Inner Party Girl at Cherry Mag - lots of great advice!

Have you started to receive your festive occasion invites yet? In fact have you even THOUGHT about Christmas yet - its less than six weeks away now!

Wednesday 4 November 2009

More beach photos

Morning sky at Woodgate Beach

I can't believe another couple of weeks have passed - in a blur! The first week was just my fuzzy 'holiday head' where I was quite content just to kick back.... Then last week we went to Temora for the NSW Aerobatic Championships where I was contest secretary. This involved very long days, extremely hot weather, very little sleep and lots of brain power.... but I survived LOL. We got home yesterday and I'm still exhausted. I'll get back on track soon, promise!

In the meantime here are some more holiday pics (click on them to see them larger!) :)

Shells on the beach

Morning sun filtering through the trees along The Esplanade

Kangaroo on the beach

Till next :)