Thursday 13 August 2009

Spring jewels and farming life

Another week has rolled around - gosh they seem to go so fast! A combination of more time spent weeding and pruning in the rose garden, co-ordinating a large buy of gems for a group of fellow jewellery designers and keeping the good ship 'family' afloat has just swallowed up the time.

Oh and did I mention Facebook? I've been quite avidly trying to stay away from potential time-drains such Facebook and Twitter as I really spend more time than I have to spare on forums and checking out things online. But I succumbed to the temptation and joined Facebook this week. I still have very vague notions of how it all works, but I have worked out how to put up a personal page and a business page. I'm surprised at the number of friend requests I have had from people who I don't know! And for only being up and running a couple of days I'm surprised with the number of fans my business page has already attracted. BUT I can see time disappearing with continued use, so I'm trying to be sensible. So far. *ahem*

Two blogs that proved interesting reading this week for me were Silver Rose Blog which had an interesting bit on International Friendship Day. What a lovely idea- but I've never heard of it!!! So much for being 'international' ;). The other is Your Cheeky Monkey - Monique does some great work and I know my girls would adore these Tote Bags made out of rescued furnishing fabric!

Onto farming life, I had a request for a picture of the darling little calves that we have dotting our paddocks at the moment, so I have obliged:

They're actually quite difficult to get close to - a little skittish - so photographing them proved more of a challenge than say, the dog ;)

This is our working dog, Patch :) He's a very tall short-haired border collie, with, would you believe by his size - a pedigree? Maybe he had deerhound as one of his ancestors and he's a throwback?

Spring is only a couple of weeks away now so I've started loading the new spring-inspired stock onto my website. Lots of work ahead, but satisfying :) If I can find the time to do it of course!! The picture above is one piece that went up yesterday - a torsade of plump pink-peach freshwater pearls, sparkling rock crystal quartz and lovely big drops of faceted rose quartz. It would look great with a floaty dress in spring or summer or even as a bridal piece.

OK, best be off. That nose has lifted off the grindstone a tad too high and I'd better get it back in place ;) Till next!


  1. Now that is a particularly pretty necklace. I love pink. Patch is adorable. Sweet.

  2. The necklace is gorgeous. I love the pictures. Patch is adorable!

  3. Oh how pretty! The necklace is gorgeous! Love the pics of the cows and dog! It's like city with the jewelry meets country with the farm. :)

  4. I love the necklace, I have a distinct lack of gorgeous jewelery, might have to get hubby in on the act for my birthday...

  5. I love how you do this blog. Show us such beautiful pieces and follow with a story. You're great!

  6. Awwwwwwww!! Patch is sooooo cute!! And the necklace is gorgeous.

  7. Lovely necklace (as always)..and Patch looks so adorable..
    Good-luck on FB...

  8. Cute calves!

    I will find you on FB. I actually prefer it to Twitter. Nobody really reads what you write on Twitter, they are there just to promote their own agenda.

    I'll fan your business page too, so you can get to 100 and get your custom URL!

  9. Love the picture of the dog! I always enjoy reading your blog and admire the beautiful jewelry you post. ;)

  10. very cute necklace...

    i here ya about!

  11. Patch is absolutely adorable (and photogenic!!). I love the necklace you posted as well - the jewelry you have on your blog is gorgeous!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog - I had written about the homeowner associations - and I couldnt agree w/ you more - there are times like these I wonder why I live where I do!!

  12. Good luck with Facebook, I gave up. Trying out Twitter now, hmmm! Love the photos, so adorable - both the calves and your dog. Another gorgeous necklace :-)

  13. I always love to come see your new designs!


I'd love to hear what you think!