Wednesday 19 August 2009

Gardening, cooking and renewable energy...

Another week has flown by. I'm getting worried. I'm sure I'll turn around in what seems like a couple of weeks time and Christmas decorations will be up! Someone told me the other day that it was only 130 days till Christmas. Since that wasn't TODAY, its even less now....

We have continued to have quite glorious winter weather here - lots of blue skies, sunshine, soft breezes and mild temperatures. I have spent more time in the garden planting gazanias (I think that's what they are - ask my neighbour - I just do as I'm told!) underneath my roses to help keep the weeds at bay. The knowledgeable neighbour assures me that they will form a thick mat and choke out the weeds. BUT I have to be very conscientious for the next few months and water them regularly (not my strong point, I'll admit). Oh the responsibility! LOL

I also seem to have spent a lot of time in the kitchen cooking - brought on by an abundance of eggs from my mother-in-law's very happy chooks (chickens). Everytime she pops in, she brings another couple of dozen eggs so I was up to NINE dozen and really had to step in and do something with them as the odd boiled egg or omlette just wasn't enough. So I've made an almond and carrot torte, a mega-sized chocolate mud cake with chocolate glaze and two slabs of chocolate brownie. That used up two dozen. Then we had a crustless quiche one night and I made double to have for lunches so there's another dozen gone. The torte and cake have already been eaten, so no doubt the family will want me back in the kitchen cooking as soon as the brownie is polished off!

What do you think of renewable energy? Specifically wind power? We have two companies in our town at the moment attempting to sign people up for wind turbines. The turbines are an impressive 80 metres high - and that's just to the hub - plus the blades on top of that! Massive. They came out to visit us today and we find that we're not quite high enough, although we could be considered for a secondary development once the main wind farm is established on a nearby ridge line. There is lots to consider though, one of which is our very scenic views will change quite radically to very scenic views with masses of wind towers. I like the idea of green energy but I'm not 100% about having it surrounding me every time I go outside.

I have also spent some time at my bench although I haven't got as far as taking photos of the new pieces yet. But there are some bright and fun pieces for a lighthearted touch of summer. I really struggled doing the first one - it is a completely different mindset to doing 'bright and fun' compared to 'understated elegance'! But after hours upon hours of moving stones around I achieved the first one and the rest just happened :)

I've been busy loading some recently made stock onto the website now that spring is just around the corner too. AND I've been on facebook, but I'm keeping it under control. I only pop in for a half hour in the morning. I'm happy to say I've already exceeded 100 fans in a week which I'm pretty impressed with!

Today's picture is of a very pretty bracelet - I try to avoid the word 'pretty' as it is just so easy to use for so many things, but it just suits this piece! Palest pink faceted rose quartz and mauve-pink freshwater pearls linked together with 12ct goldfill.

Holidays and vacations seem to be in the air in blog land - two new blogs I've started to check in on recently - Critical Mass and have both been away and there are lots of wonderful holidays snaps to admire. I love seeing what people go to see and do in other countries!

I also saw on the Michabella Creations blog that she won a print - it's just the most adorable little dachshund picture! I've seen old family photos and recall stories from when my parents had one of these cute (if somewhat strange looking) little dogs.

And continuing the "green" theme - Cherry Mag has a great articles Top Tips for Keeping Green Around the House which has some great, sensible advice.

Ooops, nearly forgot again!!! I have been very remiss in not mentioning a recent award I received! Thank you to Super Mommy to the Rescue for a Friends Award :)

the Rules:

This award is bestowed on to blogs that are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in self-aggrandizement. Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers. deliver this award to six bloggers who must choose six more and include this cleverly-written text into the body of their award. I will pass this award to some of my bloggy friends that I find exceedingly charming…

I would like to pass this award onto:
Julie at Momspective
JenJen at Gotta Love Mom
Jackie at 3 Little Ones
Tess at Six Feet Under
Jennifer at Its A Beauty Filled Life
Tammy at Cappucino Confessions

Till next :)


  1. Pretty bracelet. Congrats on the award.

  2. I think this bracelet is quite beautiful. I love how delicate it looks!

    But in all honesty? You had me at "mega-sized chocolate mud cake with chocolate glaze and two slabs of chocolate brownie"... :-)

    Thank you for the award! And congratulations to you for having received it!

  3.'s scary to think that it's closer than we realize!

    Congrats on the award! You are such an awesome bloggy friend! Well deserved! :)

  4. I have to agree that pretty does describe the bracelet quite well. I'm not sure what I would think about having the large wind mills up either (I can't remember if that's the name you used for them though.) Wow, you really have been cooking up a storm! Have you put any bacon in those brownies? ha ha! I posted the other day about bacon brownies...

  5. very preety bracelet..

    and such a cool award!!!

    love your blog!thanks for visitng ours! we appreciate it!

  6. congrats on your award!!! you so deserve it...130 days till Christmas?? AHH!!!

  7. The bracelet is gorgeous. All the stuff you have been making in the kitchen sounds absolutely yummy. I was going to bake today but didn't get the chance. As for wind energy I would love to see more of it. Not really in my back yard but I think it's great to use the renewable energy. Congrats to those that received the award. Don't remind me about Christmas... it's coming way to fast this year.

  8. I think renewable energy using wind sounds great, but I can see your point on not being sure about big windmills set up all over. We passed a wind farm during a recent road trip- tons and tons of windmills were set up across the plains. It was interesting.

    Maybe you could make up a bunch of cookie dough to freeze using all your eggs!

  9. Annette, you're one busy lady!
    Hope someday to stop by and taste your excellent cooking...I'm getting hungry just reading about them.
    It just amazes me that it's 106 degrees here in NJ and you're talking about winter and Christmas. I better start losing the weight I gained this summer before Thanksgiving..
    Renewable energy can work in some places. My brother's father-in-law actually invented a windmill - Check this link -

    Love the new jewelry. You're amazing!

    And thank you so much for thinking of me. I'm blessed that we're "friends"..

    Keep smiling =)

  10. oh my, all that cakey goodness. sounds like heaven to me!

    I stayed in a caravan park near a wind farm once, they are VERY noisey. I also just recently saw a tv story on some people that live amongst a wind farm (it was built after they moved there), they hate it. I think it was in Victoria. Much to think about I guess.

  11. Congrats on the award. Pretty is an understatement to describe the beautiful bracelet.

  12. I love this bracelet Annette - so pretty. Christmas is that close? Ohhhhh. I love eggs and possibly eat far too many for my health. And you made me hungry with this post. Youa re clearly very creative in many aspects of your life.

  13. Thanks for the mention, Annette. Cherry has had some great articles , hasn't it?

    As for wind energy I think most people will say that it sounds great in theory but don't put them near me!

  14. Pardon me while I use the back of my hand to mop up the drool stimulated by the mention of "torte, chocolate, cake & brownie" all in one sentence! I think that I just gained 5 pounds by simplying reading that paragraph!

    Anyway, Annette, congratulations to you for receiving this award...I can't think of anyone else who deserves it more! And thank you so much for passing it on to me...You have no idea how timely this reminder is for me. It means a ton!

  15. hi there!

    where did ya go?

    i was wonderinf if you wqould like to do link exchange with me



I'd love to hear what you think!