Friday 17 July 2009

Rainy days and school holidays

My life this week has been a whirlwind of visitors and cooking, children darting everywhere you turn and a laundry mound that is rapidly becoming Mt. Washmore!

Our school term ended last Friday with a talent show at which two of my children participated. My son, who has been playing the piano for six months got up in the very first spot. He was embarrassed - at 11 remember how you got embarrassed about everything? The realisation that he rushed a bit and made a few small mistakes made him (after it was all over of course) want to do it again - but better this time! We had to explain that life is a lot like that - full of occasions where we wish we could do it over again differently! You've just got to give it your best shot when you have the chance.

One of the twins also played a couple of short pieces on the piano and considering she's only been playing for less than three months, was very brave to get up there in front of the whole school and associated parents!

Since then, the weather has been, whilst not bitterly cold, definitely wintry and drizzly. The washing hung on the line for four days as it just never cleared long enough to dry it. Children on holidays + mud = more dirty clothes, so the piles of laundry have been steadily rising.

We've been inundated with visitors which is fairly unusual. One of the things about living out in the middle of nowhere, is that most people don't visit very often at all. It's just too far out of their way to pop in. Things must have changed, or maybe they're bored with the wet weather too, and we've had people in and out every day this week.

This has also meant mounds of cooking. Over the past few years I've managed to reduce the amount of time in the kitchen (outside of mealtimes) to only cooking a batch of biscuits every so often to keep the children and husband happy. Well this week I've done deserts, roasts, some of my 'special' meals, biscuits, cookies, scones, pancakes..... And just to add to it, hubby brought in a huge bag of grapefruit to make into marmalade.... *sigh*.... so 17 jars later....

Needless to say, there's not been much time for surfing around the web and checking out other blogs and sites. Although I did get time to see the gorgeous work of Gretchen of Chichiboulie. Gretchen lives in the north of France with her family and does some gorgeous design and illustration work. To look at her art makes you feel young and fancy-free (like a child on school holidays perhaps!?) Do have a look at Gretchen's Boulie Blog - it's beautiful!

So the upshot of the past week is that I'm basically feeling over-domesticated. I'm ready to hide my head in the sand to get five minutes peace and my bench is looking very neglected - even though new stones have arrived that are just screaming out to be made into something. Perhaps next week will be quieter?

The picture for today is a necklace I managed to make BEFORE the school holidays - I love the slightly eclectic and rich combination of oranges, yellows with a touch of green and red. Made with carnelian, sardonyx, agate, sunstone, citrine, garnet, prehnite, calcite and freshwater pearls in green, bronze and russet.

Full of impact, life and colour it's perfect for taking my mind off the semi-feral children that come with a term break. Do you agree? :D

Till next!


  1. Mt. Washmore - I LOVE that!!

  2. I'm intrigued by a clothesline. Not sure I've seen anything like that since I was a kid. Wish I could do that. I use the dryer as little as possible but have to hang my stuff on drying racks in my bedroom. Fortunately it's only me as otherwise I'd have drying racks all over the house! And it often takes me until the next time I need to use the racks to actually put the stuff away. Don't envy you Mt. Washmore but I would love to have some cold rainy weather...110+ in Vegas this week!

  3. I am always amazed at your designs! Absolutley beautiful! I especially love the colors in this one...It sounds like you had such a busy week. When the dust settles from the hectic pace of life, sometimes it's nice to reflect and just RELAX in some short-lived peace and quiet...

  4. Your jewelry is absolutely beautiful! Thanks for the comment on :)

  5. THAT IS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL NECKLACE. SINCE I'M NEW TO YOUR BLOG, I DON'T KNOW IF YOU SELL THEM ONLINE OR AT A SHOP. Sorry the caps are off now. Sounds like you've been very busy cooking and doing things with your family and friends. A French woman in Belize has a store and she also designs her own beautiful gemstone necklaces. her name is Elizabeth.

  6. It's a beautiful necklace isn't it! Thanks for the kind comments about it.

    GustyWriter, I sell online at - thanks for asking!

  7. This has got to be your best piece but then I keep saying that every time!! I love the colour combination.

  8. I love this necklace! Since it's summertime over here, this would be the perfect accessory for a summer dress! :-)

  9. That is a gorgeous necklace. HAHAH I thought I was the only one that said Mt Washmore...hehehe.. Have a great weekend.

  10. Annette it sounds like you need a nap! Weeks like that are satisfying but so exhausting. The necklace is gorgeous. I am really small and have trouble pulling off bigger pieces (except rings..I showed my hubby the purple one!) but otherwise it would be just my style!

  11. Gorgeous piece!! I really love the colors.

    It always amazes me that when we hit the 100's here, you're having winter weather. As hot as it's been the past week, I'd take some of that cooler weather!!

  12. Annette, that necklace looks delicious enough to eat! Abso-loot-e-ly gorgeous!! Sounds like you've been quite the busy homemaker lately. I believe that you need that holiday just as badly as I do!

  13. Hi Annette.
    Ahhh...the embarrassed 11 year old.
    "Mom...go away...but, not too far" :)
    I remember those days!

  14. Just saw this video and thought of you.

  15. I love you necklace. I'm also into beads, but more of "straightforward" designs - translation: boring. I guess i'm just not creative enough to come up with designs like this. I love it!

  16. With so many beautiful necklace pieces, how do you find clothes that are stylish enough to match? I have at least one necklace that is fancy, but it seems that it is too fancy to be worn with my normal very casual attire.

  17. LOL, Morgan, its more a case of dressing very plainly and letting the necklace dress you up to where you're going.

    I wear jeans and a plain top probably 75% of the time. The necklace might be simple if I'm going to pick the kids up and run around doing chores, or fancier if I'm going into town shopping. When I go out on an 'occasion' I usually wear all the same colour and notch it up another level via the necklace again ;)

    It can take time getting used to wearing a necklace too - the first time you might feel a bit awkward if you're not used to it, but you soon DO get used to it!


I'd love to hear what you think!