Wednesday 22 July 2009

Paris Couture Week ... and more mundane things!

Earlier this month was Paris Couture Week, when the famous names lit up the runways with their haute couture designs - good and bad (!). Some of the stand out fashions in my book were by Armani Prive, Jean-Paul Gaultier, Valentino and Dior (I probably wouldn't be game enough to wear most of the Dior collection, but it certainly grabbed my eye!).

I was happy to note that jewellery was quite in evidence on the runways too - particularly statement necklaces with Armani Prive, long (and multiple) necklaces with Jean-Paul Gaultier, very long chain linked earrings (aka 'shoulder dusters') for Chanel, and Dior was into 'bling' and pearls both in necklaces and big drop earrings.

Of course, life down here on the farm is a bit more basic that the wearing of any of these couture fashions, and with three children running rampant, definitely not the place for high fashion. But it is nice to admire and daydream about :)

Term break is still in full swing here and yes, still lots of visitors and jobs to do. Unfortunately the rose garden is now overdue for both a prune and a weed - NOT my favourite job. Yep, it never ends.

By the way, I was interested to note the comments I received on my last post (re: my washing being on the clothes line for days) and found out that clothes lines are a thing of the distant past for many in the USA. This amazes me as of course I don't even have a clothes dryer! Then I found out about "The Right to Dry" group and well... what can I say!? Do YOU have a outside clothes line? What do you think about clothes lines vs dryers?

I have had a tiny amount of time to do some blog surfing and want to mention Mezz of Creative Outlet. I met Mezz in person quite a few years ago at the Sydney Bead & Gem Show and was glad to get re-acquainted with her recently. I have since started to read her blog more regularly -she writes great posts - do check them out!

The other blogger I was glad to see was Hilary from 57 Design Studio. Hilary went off and renovated her house a few months ago and was so busy she didn't get to blog much at all. But she's getting back into the swing of it now and has been creating, not just jewellery, but has branched out into paper crafts as well.

If you are an Aussie blogger, are you a member of any Australian blog groups? Through Anne of The Tall Poppy I have found both Aussie Bloggers and Blog Chicks - do check them out if you don't know of them already and join up! The more the merrier :)

For today's pic I chose a piece where I had a bit of a play with colour - in a subtle way. To add some fun to this unusual shaped agate I added some neon blue apatite. I like how the clasp reflects the shape of the agate too. It's a long strand that can be wrapped around into a two strand short necklace as shown in the picture.

I also had a query that it wasn't too obvious where you could see my other work, so please check out my website at to see more!

Till next week - have a good one!


  1. I love the clasp on the side of this one! Very posh!
    As for the dryer vs. clothes line comment, you're right, the clothes line is such a thing of the past (here in NJ anyway). My Nana ALWAYS hung the "wash" outside on the line but in those days everyone did it. I grew up watching my mom do the same, but it is now seldom done.

  2. Yes, I was stunned when I found out the US doesn't generally have clothes lines. Apparently they are ugly and people don't want to see them.... *rolls eyes* It's amazing that they need a 'Right to Dry' group, it says something about a wasteful society I think.

    Love todays pic, the blue against the black is gorgeous!

  3. I really cannot imagine not having a clothes dryer though at this point I only use mine for sheets. Everything else I hang on the 2 drying racks in my bedroom or over the bathtub in the guest bathroom. If I had a line I'd put the sheets out there too! If I had a family I would use the dryer, how many racks can you have in your house?
    Is it the norm where you live, to not have a dryer, just clothes lines? Does it not get too cold or icky out in the winter? There aren't too many places I know of where you could hang your clothes out year round.

  4. This one is really elegant.Very classy!!
    I don't have a dryer either. And most Malaysians don't need one in our very hot weather but those staying in swanky condos are not allowed to hang out their laundry to dry.

  5. would you believe that clothes lines are not even allowed in many neighborhoods in the U.S.? It's against the Home Owner's Association bylaws for many neighborhoods.

    Some people here do a clothesline in the basement, or even one that is retractable across the shower. One of my family members has a retractable one that goes across the deck.

    You should post a picture of your clothesline! I would love to hear more about what it's like living in Australia. Is there anything else other than the clotheslines that you have noticed as different from the U.S.?

  6. Dryers aren't the usual thing, but some do have them 'just in case'. Our weather in Australia is pretty mild - only a few places get snow and very cold weather seems to be for only short bursts, so drying outside is a valid option year round.

    The only place where they're probably not "allowed" might be some apartment buildings in the city I guess.

    Morgan, I'll do that!

  7. I love the way that you describe this necklace as being a statement necklace. It is true that when we wear a necklace that we truly intend to make a statement by wearing it so why not enhance our neck by wearing a gorgeous necklace like this one.

    Thanks for the great article.


  8. Don't worry, we live in a small farm town as well and Everyone hangs their clothes out on the line. Of course,my hubby got tired of ducking under mine so he cut it! Oh, and I thought I was following you and just realized I wasn' I am now! :)

  9. I love the clasp too. This is a gorgeous piece!

  10. There's plenty of clothesline in the Philippines! Sometimes its way too much!
    Gorgeous usual.
    Thanks for the visit!

  11. What makes this classic unique is the shape of those beads, the clasp, the subtle punch of color. Outstanding!

  12. love the necklace. the color, shape, clasp. mmm. delicioius.
    drying on a line. my neighborhood actually forbids clothes lines... we have one hidden away on the deck. WE cannot dry year round because of tree pollen and humidity, sometimes the air is just too wet. My aunt and uncle use their line exclusively and see a good difference in the electric bill.
    as we have laundry running almost all the time using the line makes a big difference in our electric bill, but I don't use it exclusively because I'd never get caught up.

  13. Gorgeous necklace and like everyone else, I love the clasp. how unusual.

  14. Hi Annette! Your Lovely Blog has received an award! Be sure to stop by my page to claim it! :)

  15. For some reason I'm still fascinated by the lack of dryer being common thing. Is it due to the high price of dryers? The high price of electricity/gas to run them? The low income level?
    What about washers...are those more/very common?
    (This is as interesting to me as when I found out that it is common in Hawaii to not have garage doors.)


I'd love to hear what you think!