Tuesday 21 April 2009

Sparkle Week !

OK, this has made my day... did you know that this week (20-26 April 2009) is "Sparkle Week" in the Big Apple? Yep, this week there will be promotions and festivities at stores throughout New York City's five boroughs. Now, that's a celebration I'd enjoy!! I guess it's perfectly timed to aim at Mother's Day gifts -and why not - not many women would say no to a gift of jewellery.

I was recently reading on the Tall Poppy about the 'recession' and how our mindset could be making it worse. I have to agree - providing you've got a little bit of disposable income, then feel free to share it around by buying something you want!

For instance, in my wanderings around the web I found this superb home furnishings store Home Decorations. We have a breakfast bar and our stools are looking a little worse for wear these days. I could easily snavel up these leather and chrome barstools given the slightest provocation. I'm kind of glad the store isn't situated in Australia as otherwise I would be on there all the time formulating a hefty shopping list!

Not much jewellery has come forth with the school holidays, but it will - I can feel the creative "itch" starting! So I've included a picture of a piece currently onl layby - the sparkliest rock crystal quartz I have ever seen - very suitable for "sparkle week"!

I have managed to take some photos - but not of jewellery for a change! Instead I've been out in the garden and my neighbour's garden snapping away. She has a glorious and abundant garden (unlike mine!) so these are from her garden:

Then I tried some black and white pics in my yard - this is the view from our house (the black dots are cows, by the way!):

and this is our gorgeous moggy, 'Bumbleebee' :)

Love to hear what you think of my snaps!


  1. Your garden pics and black and whites are amazing! Thanks for posting. Lovely to see what is going on way over on the other side of the world. :)

  2. Oh my gosh! That's your back yard view? Seriously? I'm jealous as heck! What fabulous pictures!

  3. I love the kitty. I really like animals and people in black and white! Nice job and I also LOVE the jewels!

  4. The pics are awesome. Wow, we have some serious talent here !

  5. Love the sparkle! Wish I knew the name of the flowers (I'm usually good at this). The cow picture reminds me of an old postcard - not sure why. Love the kitty shot!

  6. There is nothing like a bit of bling (and a cow or two) to get your mind off depressing things. Love that necklace pic, too.

  7. I love those quartz stones. All the pictures are great, I'm amazed at the view from your backyard. I don't even have a backyard though if you angle yourself you can see the top of the Stratosphere. Well I can see the Red Rock mountains from my craft room window so that's something.
    Love your kitty, he reminds me of my first cat, Lucifer. He's the one that started this whole me being a crazy cat lady.

  8. Very nice Annette - good work!! Lovely detail.

  9. love your snaps..
    lovely view..
    mona & the girls

  10. I absolutely LOVE you pictures!

    Your view is dreamy.

  11. I am so glad you visited my blog. I am a jewllery lover from way back (earrings mainly) and do love a bit of sparkle. Your photos are great too. I always love black and white photography well done!!

  12. Hi there! I'm so glad Teri B of SandT Creations mentioned your blog. I haven't been over here since last summer I believe. I'm now following so I won't miss anything! I love the way you used this chain to add the clear rounds, nice sparkle!!!! Take care, Lisa C., www.abeadaday.blogspot.com

  13. What fantastic pictures! And your backyard view is so cool!

  14. Love the kitty pic especially! Sparkle on :)

  15. Annette, I LOVE the pics! I am jealous of your back yard.

  16. Hi Annette.

    That quartz is beautiful.
    Great garden pics. Be sure to to check out my weekly garden post.

  17. As everyone else has written, I l-o-v-e this necklace! Do you mind if I borrow your idea and make one for myself? ;)
    I just posted about it, too. :)

  18. Annette!Lovely snaps!your a jewellery designer! wow!


I'd love to hear what you think!