Wednesday 29 April 2009

8 Things Meme

Jen from Gotta Love Mom tagged me for this meme. Thanks Jen :D... so off I go...

8 things I look forward to:
1) having the ironing finished - I feel like I've been doing it for DAYS and its still big enough to crush a small child!
2) watching my girls race in their first inter-school cross country race on Friday
3) watching my son race in his first really big race next week
4) getting motivated to exercise - surely the motivation has to start sometimes!?
5) girl's night out this Friday night - video and popcorn yeeha!
6) book club meeting next month
7) upcoming show in Scone
8) cosy nights in front of the wood fire

8 things I did yesterday
1) put away the kids stuff from all over the house
2) relaxed for an hour after the kids finally went back to school
3) ironing
4) watched Australia's Next Top Model (why do I watch it - I can't help myself!?)
5) let my son choose the evening meal
6) had a chat with a friend
7) made a necklace - for me! Very unusual in itself!
8) worked on my website

8 things I wish I could do
1) have a cleaner!
2) have someone do my ironing!
3) have a garndener!
do you see a theme here!? LOL
4) then I could create all day as long as I wanted to without the need to stop for every reason under the sun (well, apart from hubby and kids interrupting of course!)
5) lose 5 pounds... if I keep saying this instead of doing something about it, it will turn into 10 pounds!
6) visit our holiday house more than once a year
7) read another great fantasy series - actually just having the TIME to read it!
8) have an aeroplane that fits the whole family :)

8 shows I watch on TV
1) Project Runway
2) What Not to Wear
3) Grand Designs
4) Man vs Wild
5) Boston Legal
6) Top Gear
7) Antiques Roadshow
8) Next Top Model

And 8 people I tag with this meme!: Hmmm, might pick some new WAHM bloggy friends from downunder...

1)Oh the thinks you can think
2)Maree Jaeger Photography
3)Sarah Klass
4)Your Cheeky Monkey
6)Belly Bumps to Baby Hugs
7)Organise your life
8)I Just Love That Fabric

Rules are simple, list 8 things you look forward to, 8 things you did yesterday, 8 things you wish you could do. Then tag 8 people and let them know they've been tagged with the meme.

Keeping to the theme, the pic is of a new ring - and it has *8* things in it - 5 x amethyst gemstones, 2 x 12ct goldfill rondelles and 1 length of 12ct goldfill wire :D


  1. Deinitely something I can relate to as another WAHM. One of these days I am goinbg to get a cleaner acople of times a week adn then I know I will have really made it!!

    Love the amethyst ring too!

    Claire McFee
    Organize Your Life

  2. LOL....nice colour ring...and thanks for tagging me just got to pick my tag its and will post it up tomorrow....x

  3. I love the 8 things you're wishing for! Acleaner, and an ironing lady would be very handy! *Here are my 8 things*
    Peace : )

  4. Love your 8 things!! Beautiful color for the ring too. I don't make stuff for myself either!! LOL

  5. OMG, think we were separated at birth! I could echo your entire list of things you're wishing for!! Bring on the cleaner nad the gardener - preferably before we sink under the dust and weeds....


I'd love to hear what you think!