Wednesday 1 October 2008

You find the nicest people on the net...

There really are some special people out there in the world and I feel fortunate that the internet has allowed me to find some of them! I have 'net' acquaintances worldwide and find myself getting concerned when they are in unpleasant weather cycles, I worry with them when they are going through problems with their families and feel happy when they share their celebrations and milestones. Others are artisans or businesswomen and I get to see their beautiful creations, their businesses blossom and their goals met.

Do you know some wonderful people that you have met online too? Someone who has enriched your life just a little bit - either personally or professionally? Here are just two kind souls I have met:

Debi from Who Says 8 is Enough is an amazing woman. She has NINE children (yes, you read that correctly) - a mixture of her own and adopted children. She is so giving and loving to her family that she is quite inspiring. Goodness knows HOW she manages to find time to write her blog .... secretly I think she lives on an hour or two sleep a night and lots of caffiene to be able to do all she does. Her youngest children are twins who are almost two and Debi has featured some of their first artwork.... doesn't it just make you go "awwwwww" ;)

Elena of EP Designs is creative and talented. Elena recently participated in a pay-it-forward 'game' - a concept meant to share the love by giving and receiving gifts. What a lovely way to make you feel great!

Of course there are many, many more women just like Debi and Elena out there - why not go looking through some new blogs and discover some of the fun characters that are waiting for a visit from you!!

Update on my back - thanks for the recovery wishes and I glad to report it is much, much better. It's perceptibly better each day so back to normal can't be far away (never thought I'd look forward to doing a sit-up lol).

The website is nearing completion - won't be long now!!!

The picture for today is a necklace of multi hued fluorite which has a tactile matte finish, along with shining sterling silver balls. Simple, but oh so yummy.

Till next :)


  1. Lovely picture of a lovely necklace. Yes there are some wonderful people one can meet here on the internet. It just never ceases to amaze me this whole thing. Here I am in Las Vegas responding to a person in just gotta love it!

  2. I agree, there are some fantastic people on the net, I have met the most wonderful and talented group of people since I started to build a business.

    Annette, the colours are fantastic in the fluorite, lovely job as always your jewellery is a joy to view.

  3. Annette, nice write-up on some of the people you've met across the 'net and the necklace is gorgeous. Here in Wisconsin we are entering our Fall and it is starting to get cold....BRRRRRR.

    Best, Ken and Barb Merwin, Magpiedreams

  4. I totally agree - since starting ickle Kids last year, I've been really amazed at how friendly and helpful everyone has been! There is a real spirit of collaboration rather than competition on the business forums.

    Glad to hear your back is on the mend.

    Love the necklace!

  5. Glad your back is doing better!!

    I've met some great people online. Also some not-so-great, but we won't discuss them. LOL I wish I had more time to view blogs. I have so many now that I usually don't keep up. I try though. It's always great to see what's going on with other people and other places around the world. I have the "flag counter" on my blog and I'm always amazed at how small the world is when I see a new flag pop up!!

    You make the blogosphere a better place, Annette!! I love your jewelry too!!

  6. Thank you SO very much for all of the lovely things you had to say about myself and my family. It means a LOT! I feel the same way- just AMAZED at the wonderful people I have "met" through the internet. And blessed :)
    Glad you are feeling a bit better :)

  7. well there are loads of good folks out there

  8. Oh my - I struggle with my two, I can't imagine having nine children! Debi is one amazing woman.


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