Monday 6 October 2008

Temora - 2008 NSW Aerobatic Championships

Day 1: Getting ready to fly...finally.

A quick note on the run from rainy/sunny/windy Temora in southern NSW. I am down here for the NSW Aerobatics Competition and the weather has been rather challenging! Only a few flights on day 1 (much delayed to rain), but a very full schedule yesterday with a slight delay due to low cloud. It's blowing a gale today, so no flights so far - but they're still hopeful!

Results of the competition can be seen HERE.

Anyway, just a few pictures to post from the comp for interest - no jewellery today ;)

Day 2: And it's go, go, go. Get those aeroplanes out and lets FLY!

The judging line :)


  1. I can't wait to see some action shots! Let's hope the weather clears for you.

  2. Looks like there was a bit of rain. We had alot of that today and possibly more to come. We had strawberry sized hail!!

    Looks like a great time was had by all. Fun!!

  3. well nice championship it was


I'd love to hear what you think!