Wednesday 21 September 2011

Jewels at the Emmy's 2011

Sophia Vergara and rather large earrings made with Columbian emeralds and diamonds

The Emmy’s have been and gone and we’ve had our sparkle dose for the week. The stars came out in jewel shades, red and of course the safe option, black. Bright blues and aquas which were showcased as colours to wear next spring showed up on some , along with gem-shades of amethyst and emerald.

The ruby girls - Kellie Osborne and Lea Michelle.

Most stars stuck to the safe (but a little boring!) with diamonds - as usual. A few lashed out with rubies and sapphires and some semi precious stones were given an airing in more unusual earrings and sometimes rings.

I quite like these big druzy earrings worn by Aimme Teegarden!

Anna Torv and her semi precious (probably phosphosiderite and/or treated agate) earrings.

Earrings varied from studs to statement drops, chandeliers and slim, linear styles. Necklaces were occasional, these stars (or their fashion advisors) need to get over the bare neck look and be a little more daring than a chunky cuff of which there were a number seen.

One of the rare necklaces seen on the night.

Heidi Klum and her chunky mixed stone earrings and ring.

Most of it was all a bit *ho-hum* really. I always look forward to a glittering night but this time I’m left feeling rather underwhelmed.

Elizabeth Moss and Jane Lynch on the chandelier style bandwagon.

I promise to write more about our adventures in Italy - once I get over the jetlag and organise the photos a little more!

Till next :)


  1. Can't wait to hear more about Italy!!!

  2. I must agree, the jewels do seem a bit boring this time. Although I loved a couple of those dresses!

    No pressure, but I'm with Jamie. Can't wait to travel vicariously through you a bit more. But believe me, I KNOW how long it can take to get through those pictures! (Especially if you have a hubby who keeps taking your camera to take even more photos of the thing you just took photos of! ;o)

  3. ahhh I love pics with bling....they all look so gorgeous!

  4. Oh Annette these girls so needed your help to get up to speed in the jewels dept. I'm sure we would have seen some stunning things courtesy of your sage advice & styling.
    Millie xx


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