Saturday 16 April 2011

A Glimpse into a Country Show

I recently attended the local agricultural show which is about 45 minutes drive from my home and thought some of you (particularly those who don't live in a rural area - or even Australia) might like a peek into my day.

An "ag show" here has horse events, cattle and sheep showing, competitions in poultry, wool and produce, art, cooking, handicrafts and flowers. And probably more that I didn't see!

I attend up to four ag shows a year with my jewellery and at Dunedoo I had an area in the ladies pavillion. Needing to be there from 8am on the last day of daylight savings (which is at least 6 weeks too long at either end) meant that the sun still wasn’t up when I left home. The sun did come up on my journey there though

and the countryside looked lovely bathed in the early dawn.

While I was waiting for the steward to arrive I had time for a quick look around some of the pavillion’s exhibits before it opened to the public.

There was a constant stream of people through the pavillion all day, admiring all the talented ladies (and some men's) work … and a bit of my jewellery too! (I was wedged between the flowers and the photography).

It quietened down a bit over lunch so I took some shots from the pavillion entrance. Here is a glimpse towards the carnival side of things … go a bit further down here and you would arrive in side show alley.

Some weary looking competitors in a horse event - they look like they need lunch and a shady tree don't you think?

Children find out some of the perils of the pet show - so exciting for the competitors at one end of the leads I think.

But a lot of the show is about catching up with friends, whether you're young, or not.

The show went on til evening when the pavillion turned into a frenzy of people packing up (including me) and collecting their items and prizes. As I wearily headed home into the dark night, my rear view mirror caught a few fireworks lighting up the sky.

A lovely end to the day - hope you enjoyed your outing to the show!

Till next

PS I will be in Mudgee next week, Easter Saturday at the Makers Market in the grounds of St. Mary's, pop in and say hello if you're in town!


  1. Great post, your jewellery looks divine. Love the country shows.

  2. Thank you for sharing...I feel I was

  3. I totally enjoyed the virtual tour. Love the pics too.

    Happy Sunday, Annette!

  4. Mudgee is nearly me but alas I am two days late !! a great show by all accounts :) best le xox

  5. Who doesn't love rural shows!
    Great pictures.

  6. I love driving into the daylight and do it about once every 6 weeks to attend seminars in Melbourne almost 2hrs drive away from home. I took 5 yr old Charlotte to our local show for the first time this year and hadn't attended myself for many years. They're a bit of a hoot aren't they? I hope your lovely stand was a success :-) Your pics tell a wonderful story on their own.

  7. That was cool, Annette! I loved getting a glimpse of your day--so different from the type of craft shows we have here in the area where I live. Loved all the cowboy hats! :o)

  8. I do love a proper Ag show. I grew up in Adel and the royal show there was always strtong on the ag side of things (love the cows!!)

  9. What a wonderful show, thanks for the tour, love Posie

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