Friday 12 November 2010

It's creeping up on me.... Christmas!

Arrrghhh! Christmas is starting. I can feel it. It's there in the FIRST christmas card of the year (it's always by my ultra-organised friend Lynda) that arrived today; in the holiday music and people in Santa hats I saw in on TV yesterday; in the email that my sister in law sent me giving me this year's Christmas draw ; in Monique's post with her rum balls recipe ; in the fact that my jeans are getting tight (and that's just after two recent functions that weren't even Christmas related... can you imagine what another month will do - eeek!); in the weather - it's finally heating up, although with all the rain its just kind of steamy; and last but not least in the children asking when they can write to Santa..... (not much gets past them LOL).

I think I've just been too busy to even contemplate it. (Having a show every week is wearing me out - this weekend it's a private party at nearby Leadville. There's going to be shoes (I love shoes!) and me with jewels. Plus some champers to sip on the day. What more could any woman ask for?? )

The Christmas cards that I was so pro-active in getting TWO MONTHS ago, haven't been touched and absolutely no presents have been purchased (actually they haven't even been thought about yet!)

So, how are you going on the Christmas front? Are you being bombarded already with Christmas images and music or is something more subtle reminding you it's getting closer? Alternately, are you blissfully unaware and determined to stay that way a bit longer?

OK, what photo for today? I think I might go a bit glamorous with these stunning AAA grade rock crystal quartz earrings - soooo sparkly and perfect for Christmas parties!

OK, off to ignore all the Christmas things, well at least for another few days ;)

Till next
Annette :)


  1. Oh how I love Christmas, but Oh how I am NOT ready! I have 5 boys to buy for this year, and that is not including all of my nieces and nephews! Yikes!!!
    I do love the excitement on the boys faces when they see all of the gifts under the tree on Christmas morning! Priceless! :)

  2. We just are about finished for the kids. We don't typically exchange with anyone else. I usually make ornaments for family.

  3. I'm still working on the gifts!! This Christmas will be extra special for us 'cos we're expecting cousins we've not met for a long time from DOWN UNDER.
    WOW!!!Those earrings are stunning- perfect for Christmas.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Annette!

  4. Ooh Annette, I am glad I am not the only one that Christmas has caught by surprise. I can't believe we are half way through November already.

    I have a LONG list of things I still need to do, but at least I have made my list.

  5. hheee heee I know what you mean ... mum and dad are down from brisvegas so I did all six presents for the cousins to send back with them in a two hour stint - to save the postage - best le

  6. We have a radio station here that is already playing Christmas music 24/7. I'm boycotting it! I'm not ready yet--we still have our U.S. Thanksgiving holiday coming up first! ;o)

    I hope the private party is fabulous for you, Annette!


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