Wednesday 21 July 2010

Silence really can be golden!

Peace has returned to the house (well, between the hours of 8.30am and 4pm it has) as the children returned to school this week. The silence truly is golden and there's one thing to be said for the holidays - it has given me a new appreciation of solitude and quiet LOL.

As we settle in for another term at school, the children have to switch from holiday to learning mode (never an easy thing) and unbelievably, as the year is well into its second half, I have to start thinking about my spring/summer collection. Eeek! It's never easy when its cold outside with heavy frosts every morning, frequent rain showers and dull skies. But we have been fortunate to have some days of brilliant blue skies and warm winter sunshine and its not too hard to think of spring then! (But at night I'm gravitating straight back to that fire!!!)

The Connect2Mums 2010 Conference is on at the end of next week. I went last year and had an absolute blast, but timing is off this year with heifers calving left right and centre here on the farm (and therefore needing round the clock watching). But I have sent along a huge box of special things for the goodie bags they're giving to everyone who comes along, and also a prize of an amethyst, rose quartz and silver necklace (pictured above). If you're interested in going to the conference (held in Brisbane) there are still a few places available, so check it out here.

On to other things, my wonderful, talented and go-getter neighbour (she really is - the woman built her own combined chook shed/dog pen, a hanging cradle for her youngest, gardens like there is no tomorrow and cooks the most divine food that makes my mouth water just thinking about it!!! Anyway....) she introduced me to the world of bamboo clothing a couple of years ago. I had never heard of it before then and couldn't believe it could be so soft and luxurious. If you have a little one, or know someone who is having a baby, I can highly recommend these babyjo bamboo wraps from Your Cheeky Monkey. My girls (now 9) still play with their wraps from their babyhood (very good for wrapping up your toys in, as well as putting around your shoulders as a cape or even just wearing as a scarf!) so its a long-term gift, rather than something they'll grow out of and not be used again.

Ah, it had to happen, I've left this too long and the peace has been shattered by the return of the munchkins.... school is over too quickly some days!

Till next :)


  1. It is so strange with the seasons.... being all backward - ours and yours that is!!! Enjoy your time at home alone!! Good luck with your summer collection!!! Thanks again for all your kind words over at my blog!!

  2. Your jewelry is always so beautiful! You are such a busy woman I don't know how you get anything done!

  3. It seems like you'd have to work on one season for your craft shows and another for online sales. You have spring/summer coming up and we have fall/winter coming up (and not a moment too soon as we are having a scorching summer!)

    Glad you're enjoying a little solitude.

  4. Thank God for schools!!! I thrive on routine!!

    As I've mentioned before, you're an incredible lady.

    Have a wonderful weekend, Annette.

  5. My little boy doesn't go back until the end of August, and I have mixed feelings about that! When he's at school, I worry constantly about whether he's having fun or is he being bullied. Someone save me from myself!

  6. Glad the peace & quiet has descended for a little while Annette! I agree with you about bamboo fabric - I was given a set of Baksana towels last year & they are divine.
    Millie ^_^

  7. ooh I can't wait to see what gorgeous designs you come up with for your Spring/ Summer collection. You do such beautiful work Annette.


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