Tuesday 9 February 2010

Valentine's Day on the way and more rain - splash!

Another week flying by. We had around 4 inches of rain over the last week, although most of it fell in one day! The wet, almost misty and warm conditions mean that the feed in the paddocks is bulking up nicely and should see us through the first part of winter. Of course the hay hasn't faired too well. Hubby was actually baling when the rain started, and it didn't just start with a light misty type of rain, it RAINED. So the hay is still on the ground although he's gone to rake it this morning and see if it is worth saving.

I've been working on my site the last couple of days - I recently had an upgrade and things went very strange! So while the crinkles are being ironed out I put up a new pic on the front page. As we're still in high summer here, I think its very suitable, even though my readers from across the pond will be thinking 'that woman is FREEZING'!.

I recently mentioned how we all end up at weird and wonderful blogs by clicking on link after link. Do you ever check where your bloggy visitors have come from or where you are being mentioned? Someone advised me eons ago to register with Google Alerts and so its amazing to see where you get mentioned. Last night I received an alert that told me I was mentioned on the Business Mums Network. Thanks for the mention Melissa!

I've been browsing around Etsy again (that place is just addictive!) and found these cute little owl pins by Spinal Fusion in Chicago. And I bought hubby's Valentine's card from JBART in Washington State and some gorgeous little mini Valentine's from Twig Studio in North Carolina! Wonder what I'll find next week (yeah I know, sometimes I need to close my eyes LOL).

In honour of St. Valentine, today's pic is a BIG sponge coral heart on a strand of stunning pearls. I'm at the Dunedoo Show next week - pop in and say hello if you're there!

Till next :)


  1. Every time I think Ive seen my favorite, you come up with an even more beautiful design. Love the new header too!

  2. Awww, that bracelet is beautiful! I love unique things!!!

  3. Thanks for sharing the google alerts tip and congrats for being mentioned. You really do have an awesome blog.

  4. I've NEVER seen a sponge coral heart like that!

  5. I always love your photos of your jewelry. Your jewelry is just stunning!

    I love etsy shops as well. I have a hard time pulling myself away when I go etsy shopping too! :)

  6. I love Google Alerts...I have one setup for ChezChani, one for my surname (there's occasional mentions of family members), one for beading, resin, Kumihimo...it's the coolest thing!

    Love that heart.

  7. What a gorgeous necklace! Sorry I haven't been great a stopping by lately! I promise I'll try to be around more! I've been thinking about you lately, my niece is studying nursing here at the University of Portland and for Spring term (Feb-May) 2011, she was chosen to study in Australia. She's so excited, I think she'll be in Fremantle. I don't think that's near you, but if you have any tips about the area or traveling in Australia, let me know! We're so excited for her.

    Have a wonderful Valentine's Day!


I'd love to hear what you think!