Saturday 27 February 2010

Farmer Piper on Duty!

I've been MIA here I realise. But life, which was already chaotic (see last week's post!) has been raised to a whole new level this week with my responsibilities increased to 'farmer' status by my husband's absence overseas.

This week has included checking troughs, fences and moving stock - with the help of the younger man of the house of course :) I also had to do the farm bookwork which I hadn't done for the last 5 months (ooops). And, I almost forgot, my first time doing my new P&C (school) responsibity of working in the local saleyard canteen! I even got up at 6.30am to bake some fresh blueberry muffins to take along. Yep, a bit keen I admit LOL.

So, it has been a busy, busy week!

Needless to say there hasn't been much happening in the jewellery department. I did help a lovely gentleman find an aquamarine necklace for his wife's birthday and took on some remodelling jobs, but that was about it. I did, however, receive some gorgeous gems from a supplier I only deal with occasionally. I am thrilled with my selection and look forward to the beautiful new pieces that I can feel will spring from these wonderful gemstones.

Summer is almost at an end here with autumn due to start on Monday. The last week has been much cooler in the mornings and some days were a pleasant, mild temperature all day. Quite different to a couple of weeks ago when we were still in the high 30s/low 40s.

I love autumn - the crisp feeling to the air and the cooler days mean you can enjoy the sunshine without feeling like you are going to shrivel up! And cool, almost cold nights mean we can use our duvets again. Time to snuggle up with a good book - reading is a challenge when even sitting there means you break out in a sweat.

I looked out at dusk this evening and saw the bright moon in the still blue sky, with a little high cloud. I grabbed the camera quickly so I could share the sight with you. Isn't it lovely.

It will be busy again this coming week as I play farmer again, then hopefully I can get back on track - I can feel my bench calling me.

Today's pic is of a stylish pair of earrings - a bit longer than I normally make but perfect for a special dinner with your hair worn up? A large oval white freshwater pearl linked by chain to a bright apple-green chrysoprase pebble, more chain and then to stud fittings.

Till next :)


  1. That is a lot of work! Strength to you in your farming endeavors.

  2. Lovely earrings!
    It sounds like you have been really busy! Wow, you are going to need a little rest and relaxation after all of that! The muffins sound yummy! :)

  3. WOW! A woman of substance, Annette!
    Farmer,awesome blogger,gemmologist!!

    I love the earrings. Long is good!

  4. hello there

    thanks for dropping by the third :) I love your jewelry - so fab your use of pearls ... happy farming umtil your darling is back - best le

  5. You are a wonderful wife! (You can tell your hubby I said so.) ;o) Playing farmer all day, involved mommy with school, and still finding a little time to at least touch your jewellery.

    It's so strange to hear you talking of autumn, we are still in the midst of winter here in the U.S. I can see several inches of snow still piled up in our yard. We've gotten hit pretty good the past few weeks.

    Thanks for sharing that most beautiful shot of the moon. It's so dreamy. I love it!

  6. Wow - you have been so busy! And I am so glad to re-connect with you Annette! You were one of the first bloggers I met when I began my own blog.

    Just became a fan of yours on FB. :)

  7. What is "saleyard canteen"?

    Enjoy Autumn!

  8. When you get the mud off you boots my friend you can check out the choker on my blog! Posted just now.

    Don't wear yourself out!

  9. WOW you have been busy! Beautiful earings. We are looking forward to spring here in the states. Winter has been way too long.

  10. Although I've not commented, I've been keeping up with your blog. As always, your jewelry is beautiful!!

    I decided it was time to have some FUN on my blog, so please go over and check out the "award" I have for you!!

  11. Wow, Farmer Annette. Good job you are a very capable women who makes THE most gorgeous jewellery. Those earrings are beautiful. I hope your husband brings you back something very nice...

  12. Gorgeous pic Annette! You sound so busy at the moment hope you get some time out for yourself!

  13. Cheers for the informative article - I enjoyed reading it! I always love reading this blog.


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