Wednesday 20 January 2010

A typical day during holiday time

I can't believe how fast the days are flying past. Our days seem to be jam-packed, even though we're not necessarily going somewhere or achieving much! And I'm sure last holidays I got to just sit back and relax, read a few books and so on.

Take today for example. I got up at around 7am, put a load of washing on, got everyone up and dressed and breakfasted, cleaned up after brekky, encouraged the children to practice their scales, hung out the washing, put all the recycling in the car, picked some roses and headed off to town. I'm basically immobile for almost two hours while I wait for piano lessons to be done and have a quick chat to the teacher. Then off to the garbage tip with the recycling, down the street to pick up a few groceries, a quick visit to some acquaintances that are moving next month, the obligatory chat with people you know that you see in the street and home for a (late) lunch. Half an hour later, my neighbour drops off her 6 month old little boy for a couple of hours of babysitting duties while she takes her toddler to swimming lessons. After he went home I chatted to a friend for a while on the phone, chatted to hubby about his day and then it was time for the dinner, bath, bed routine.

See what I mean?

I must admit, I have also learned about fibreglassing this week and spent a half a day this week helping hubby in the shed. But that's about as much as I have to show for the week! Time is just slipping away and I hate to say it, but roll on school so I can get back into some sort of routine!!

The daily babysitting for the last week or so has been enlightening. I didn't realise how much I had forgotten about children being babies! Rex is a lovely little boy, very content and easy (except for today - but apart from admitting he threw up on me, dribbled on me and grizzled or cried for the whole 2 hours, we won't go there!). I've got back my confidence in dealing with little ones and have also realised that I'm rather glad that stage is over for me!

I started a wish list of things I should have if this babysitting lark continued and the most important one I think is a splat mat! I remember my children having them and they were invaluable to keeping the floor in some semblance of cleanliness! I found some lovely ones at Your Cheeky Monkey. Personally I prefer this one, but I don't think Rex would be too fond of it - this one is more up a boy's alley!

For other things I would probably head off to Swap it Baby, a site I found through the Business Mums Blog. It seems like a great idea for swapping all sorts of child related goods.

Oh, and I guess I must also confess to spending a couple of hours checking out the red carpet at both the Critics Choice and Golden Globe awards ceremonies in the last week. Strapless and one shouldered gowns abounded (again) and earrings, earrings, earrings! So, pictured above is a pair of earrings from my creative time last week - citrine trillions on goldfill chain - delicate but gorgeous :)

Till next :)


  1. Sounds so much like my day will be today.

  2. Know the feeling and what do they say? the older you get the quicker it goes! it sure does for me:)

  3. Annete- I love the pink string of beads with the tassles on it in your headder...I don't have ANY idea what it is, but it's pretty! What is it for?

  4. I am NOT a VOLCANO, they are pink topaz - aren't they beautiful! High quality gems that are drilled come on temporary strands like this with colour co-ordinated tassels on the end :) The other stones in the header are pink amethyst, African amethyst, rose quartz and rock crystal quartz - they are also drilled and are shown as they are first bought from the cutter - on temporary wire separated so they don't rub/scratch each other.

  5. Oh Annette, those earrings are gorgeous!


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