Wednesday 23 September 2009

Amazing dust storm and sharing creativity

Wow, we're in the throes of an amazing dust storm - woke up this morning and the light was orange, it faded to yellow and now its a creamy colour but there is a thick layer of dust everywhere and the gale force winds are blowing more of it here by the second!

The dust has been blown in from central Australia and it caused quite a bit of consternation this morning in Eastern Australia with the eerie colour and low visibility. You can taste the dust every time you breathe and we'll all be in for a thorough house clean when it stops. I heard a woman on the radio this morning say its reminiscent of the dust storms of the 1960s. Is mother nature trying to tell us something?

The end of last week passed in a blur - I had so much to do and it just didn’t get done – but that’s what happens when show season comes around!

I went to the Merriwa Show last weekend and had a blast but I think I’m still recovering :) They certainly kept me on my toes and it was lovely to catch up with clients from previous years. I love how they keep on coming back for more.

Lots of new pieces found new homes and that means they didn’t even get seen by a wider audience as they didn’t actually make it to the website. But I know they’ll be loved by their new owners, so that’s okay. If you make something do you like to know its going to be loved by its new owners too?

I saw this fantastic quote on Jill’s blog Liv’nGood Jewelery, the writer certainly loved her jewels:

The jeweler allows me to wear the sapphire blue lake on my finger, the emerald green leaves around my neck, and take the citrine sunset with me wherever I go. Jewelry has become my daytime link to nature in an office with no windows. And if I have to work late, there’s nothing like diamond stars and a pearl full moon against an onyx night sky.
~Astrid Alauda, “Office With No Windows”

Artisans, artists and crafters all get a real kick out of selling their work – its kind of like sharing a little piece of their creative self with the world. Check out the wonderful repurposed work of Elena, these funky fob tabs by Melanie and these cute 'my little monster's' by Monique – isn’t such diverse talent a great thing to be able to share!

Today’s picture is of a wonderful necklace of ametrine sticks. Ametrine being a combination of citrine and amethyst and these stones have a beautiful high polish finish. Featuring a big silver toggle clasp to wear on the side or the back it is both classic and just a touch flamboyant.

On a completely different note, have you all noticed how fast your children are growing up? My son, at 11 ½ is just past my nose! My girls aren’t far behind him, either! Yet I know they’ll still worry me even when they’re taller than me and looking completely grown up.

Jamie of Destination Handmade got a terrible fright recently when her 19 year old who is away at University was briefly held at gunpoint for his bag and wallet! Hearing this sort of thing just makes me want to freeze the children as they are – at an age when I can still be around to protect them!

So, note to self for today - don't take Mother Nature or your family for granted!

Till next
Annette :)


  1. The dust storm sounds scary!
    It's always such a pleasure reading your posts. Yeap, my boys are growing too fast.
    And I love the necklace. It has such a regal look. Amethyst is my fav gemstone next to emerald.

  2. It may be seem paltry in comparison, but I just noticed that my son is more than half my height! ;-) That just about freaked me out! It is going too, too fast!

    This necklace is superb. The clasp got me right away, though. GORGEOUS!!!

    I hope those dust storms end soon! And I hope the cleaning afterward is not too bad!

  3. I've been hearing about the dust storm all day, hope we don't see any of it down this way!

  4. I hope that dust storm leaves! That sounds really intense. Keep us posted!

  5. I always love coming here, I just feel more at ease looking at your beautiful work!

  6. That's so pretty! A few years ago I made something similar with chunky amethyst and these funky tendrils of Thai silver and a huge clasp on the side. One of those statement pieces! I am envious that you found such great ametrine -- it makes your necklace so elegant!

  7. Wow Annette, it sounds like a big mess there! How scary! I hope things calm down soon!

    The necklace is lovely though! I love the color so very much! I have always loved purple tones. :)

    You are so right when you say we need to never take anyone or anything for granted.

  8. Dust storms sound scary. I think I shall stick with the snow storms we get.

    Beautiful necklace.

    My kids are growing up too fast, too. How does that happen.

  9. It was amazing to see the dust storm in the news - reminds me of one I drove through travelling between Brolen Hill & Mildura.... such an eerie feeling when you're in the middle of it.

  10. Wow, a dust storm, that doesn't sound like something I would want around! I'm glad your show went well and I love the necklace:)

  11. Wow, I've never been in a dust storm, wind storms yes, but no dust storms! Hope they're over soon!

    And even though you didn't get to show us all your beautiful creations, it's great knowing that you're selling them to people who love them!

    I love sharing my creations and hope someday to make some money from my creative know, doing what you love, etc.

    Out leaving comments for my followers!

  12. I've never seen a dust storm. Do you need a mask if you are out during it? Can't be good for the lungs.
    Beautiful necklace. I love that the clasp can also be a focal point.


I'd love to hear what you think!