Thursday 18 June 2009

Nurturing Creativity in our Children

Where has the last week gone? I know I've been busy but I don't seem to have an awful lot to show for it! It has been one of those weeks that has required lots of time out and about, and whilst I enjoy the social aspect, it isn't too good in the 'getting things done' department.

My son was selected by his school with three other children to attend a creative arts workshop in Mudgee this past week. His strong point is DRAWING - so he ended up making a SCULPTURE! LOL. Oh well. His teacher was rather surprised as well.

Whilst there I attended an interesting parent's workshop on nurturing gifted and talented children and it brought home how important it was to encourage their adventures in whatever fields they are interested in (not just creative arts, but all areas - scientific, mathematical, leadership and so on).

Whilst I always dabbled in arts/crafts I was never really encouraged and it took until I was in the last half of my 30s before I was able to explore this passion and change direction somewhat. Were you encouraged in your gifts, talents and interests as a child?

In my usual trawl around my favourite blogs I came upon a post by Monique at Your Cheeky Monkey. Monique makes gorgeous baby products and her blog mentions some great artisans. She posted about the Aussie Handmade Giveaway blog which I had never heard about. As the name suggests, this blog features giveaways by some of Australian artists/artisans/craftspeople and I fell in love with this week's featured giveaway - Leanne from Rainbow Revolution. Leanne is a colour therapist and her colourful wraps and scarves are completely uplifting!

Then I popped over to Casto Creations. I've known Megan's work for years and I just love her Wilma necklace - its right up my alley!

I've talked about studios and creative spaces and I see on Kim's blog The Polka Dot Press she has photographed her VERY neat studio. I could settle in there quite happily!!

There are so many wonderful and beautiful things in the world to admire, isn't there!

Today's pic is over a fun pair of fairly sizeable earrings! Big 12mm button shaped freshwater pearls and 14mm red sponge coral. Add a bit of colour to the dull and boring winter wardrobe here downunder, heh!?


  1. Beautiful earrings!

    This post brought back so many memories. In my family, talent is always recognized, but if your talent doesn't help you become a doctor, nurse, or engineer, then you're only really good at a 'hobby'. In which case, it's okay to keep your hobby, but you must choose a profession that ensures job security and $$$.

    So says the actress...

  2. It's nice to see your creative gene has been passed on. Definitely worth supporting and encouraging.

  3. I love those earrings! iIts so nice to see such talent in the mommy world.

  4. I would say my parents nurtured my creativeness as a child. When they would see I was good at something, or very interested in something, they would help me get things to make it easier- i.e. a drawing table when I had been very into drawing.

    Do you find that your son is gifted in other areas besides creative arts? I have a very gifted child too.

  5. Those earrings could really brighten a person's look. Beautiful, as always!!

  6. Hi there.
    I enjoyed reading your post.
    I especially loved those earrings :)

  7. Girl, you've got skills. Beautiful!

  8. Thanks for stoppping by Annette. I absolutely agree that there are so many talented people with their wonderful creations to admire and drool over. (yours included!!)

  9. Just gorgeous earrings!

    We've always recognized and puushed to kids to be creative - music and arts. I kind of feel guilty that I can't seem to just say OK if they want to major in art history, drawing . It's not that I want to push the creativity aside, but it superbly competitive and I want them to have another job just in case.

    It's a dilema because the kids are very talented and recognized in music and arts but at the same time they have interests in being a teacher or doctor or record producer.

    I guess as long as you don't suppress what they want and what they love to do.

    See you around!

  10. the red coral earrings are wonderful!

  11. Annette, it's great to see a child enjoy and appreciate creativity. My daughter does not have this interest at all! Teri

  12. I wish I had a creative gene that crafty!

    i suppose mine came out in other ways

    nice blog...

  13. Annette, thanks so much with your help with you-know-what. I love these earrings! :-)

  14. Hi Annette,

    I love your blog - congrats - you've been awarded!

  15. Those earrings are gorgeous. And I love the comments about creativity. I think that more and more kids creativity is stifled as they spend hours and hours in front of a tv or video game, rather than painting, exploring, or just plain old playing...Kudos to you for encouraging moms to foster creativity in their children (and themselves). It's healthy!!

  16. Letting my daughter grow and become who she wants to be is a HUGE reason that we started homeschooling. It wasn't just issues in public school or the politics of private school. She was being forced to work at levels that were where the "class" was, not where she was. After just one year of homeschool, we often get comments about how much she's blossomed and how smart she is. We get to focus on the strengths and work on the weaknesses....on her terms. Yes, kids should definitely be encouraged to follow their dreams!!

    Love the earrings!!


I'd love to hear what you think!