Thursday 7 May 2009

Thursdays, an interview and Gold Month

What a busy week. I can't believe its already Thursday!

I've come to the conclusion, after today's experience, that I don't really fancy Thursdays. Why? Well Thursday means I go into my local town 25km away and do all the jobs that need doing eg. pay bills, banking, post office, library, groceries, pick up farm needs, check on stock on display, deliver orders and so on (since I only go to town once a week), and then running three children back and forwards between piano and dance lessons over a two hour period! See what I mean?

We've had a cold snap here over the last week and the fire has been lit. Typically, I just get in the groove of chopping wood, keeping the fire alight etc., and the cold snap finished and we're back into mild autumn weather. I must admit, I'm having trouble keeping up!

Recently I was asked for an interview by Wandering Educators. I feel honoured to be have been selected the month's featured artisan and they have put my interview and lots of my pics up on their site. Do check it out and have a look at the other talented artisans and artists they have featured!

I found out that May is "Gold Month" while reading the bilingual (French/English) blog Mademoiselle M by fellow jewellery-maker Marie-Michele. Gold Month is a promotion run by the World Gold Council and is principally for higher karat gold (above 14ct)and where the piece is mostly gold rather than stones - which none of mine are ever going to be, since I love the stones more than the metal!

However, in honour of Gold Month, my picture this week is a scrumptious mixed gemstone and pearl torsade I've just finished which has the colours of green, raspberry, red wine and burnished bronze-gold. It contains freshwater pearls, peridot and garnet. I will hopefully have it up on my website soon!

This Saturday I will have a booth at the Scone Grammar School Fete so if you're in the Upper Hunter Valley, do drop in and say hello!

Till next! :)


  1. Hi Annette, Congratulations on your interview at Wandering Educators, I'm off to check it out now!

  2. Oh your work is truly amazing and you deserve to be recognised. You live near Scone? I know it well. My father was raised on Belltrees owned by the Whites. I hope your booth goes well. I am looking for some unusual earrings so I am going to check out your website.

  3. Thanks Peace and Lilly for the congrats. Lilly I live between Coolah and Cassilis and have flown over Belltrees - a gorgeous property!

  4. Congrats, Annette. You soooo deserve to be recognized for your amazing talent.

  5. Congratulations, Annette! Your work is just gorgeous, and your passion for what you do shines forth in your craftmanship and your words.

  6. Congrats for the interview Annette! Your creations are amazing!!

  7. Me too : I love stones more than metal, usually! You did more research than I on Gold Month, thank you! :) I really needed a theme for my monthly promotions, so that was it because we don't have any 'coloured' holiday in May...

    I always love looking at your colourful jewelry! I find this necklace you've shown particularly bold regarding the colour palette, and I like it!

    Congrats on the interview!

  8. love these colors...

    Mels work is beyond....
    can't wait to learn from this lovely young lady..
    hope you have a restful MothersDay

    mona & the girls
    ps now off to read your interview:)

  9. Yumm, that necklace looks good enough to eat. A whole month for Gold....I can only hope for a whole Month for would be complete.

  10. How fantastic! Congratulations on your interview! I'll head over right now to check it out!

  11. That piece is just amazing!! I love coming to your blog for you, but also for your jewelry. I can never wait to see what you're sharing.

    P.S. Thanks for stopping by again!! Always a joy to "see" you.

  12. Beautiful! You have such talent!

  13. Hi Annette.
    Wow. Those are some spectacular colors! That is very in right now too :)

  14. Beautiful work and congrats for interview you should deserve the appreciation.

  15. Oh sure, you're lighting the fire and I have used my airconditioning in the house for the first time of the season.
    That necklace is absolutely delicious!!

  16. That combination of colors is so rich. I love it! And congratulations on your interview by Wandering Educators.

  17. so pretty! Reminds me of New Orleans and Mardi Gras! Congrats on the interview!

  18. Ooo, girl, you and I are seriously on a wavelength. We share similar taste in jewelry. I want ALL of your stuff.

  19. The interview sounds awesome! Congratulations!! I always love the pics of your jewelry.

    Your Thursdays sound very busy. I am lucky in that my kiddos are not yet at the age that they have lessons and whatnot to do. It will come, though. It will come.

  20. Bit of a belated CONGRATULATIONS on your interview but still heartfelt! What a stunning piece, as per usual ;-)


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