Wednesday 27 May 2009

The Patter of Rain on a Tin Roof

As I type this I hear the patter of rain in the background. Rain against a tin roof - there's nothing like it, especially when you really need it! Australia is such a big country - and while the central part of the eastern coast has been literally submerged in wet weather we have remained dry. Living on a farm makes you attuned to the weather and what it can do - and the lack of grass is having an effect, with the need for supplementary feeding. Changing the stock into new paddocks is more to give the cows a change of scenery than more feed! So, I am enjoying the raindrops for as long as they last and wish those affected on the coast could blow some more this way!!

Have you ever looked at where your web visitors come from - I've been watching my blog visitors lately and its amazing the way they find you, the most random searches - albeit for me it is something to do with either gemstones or jewellery. And the locations! There are some places I've never heard of (which I actually find rather embarrassing!). In the last week I've had lots of visitors from the UK, whereas my visitor list is usually dominated by US or Australian locations. I wonder why? Where do most of your visitors come from?

I must thank Anne of The Tall Poppy for a recent award - the Welcoming Blogger Award! She reckons I'm always popping up and welcoming newbies along and I must admit that I do like doing that - after all, you never know who you could meet!

Of course I've been doing the rounds of my arts/crafts online buddies and this week I must draw attention to two outstanding artists.

The first is Carol of The Blue Cat. Carol stumbled on my blog a few months ago, followed me over to Creative Bloggers and has been a stalwart supporter there. I love popping into her blog and seeing her gorgeous artwork - she has an affinity for our feline friends and imbues such personality into them that they are just adorable! She sells on various online marketplaces and they're certainly lucky to have such a talented artist on their books!

The other talented woman is Sayo - a fellow maker of jewellery and I just love her big silver rings with a lovely big fat natural crystal! It really appeals to the gemmologist in me I guess!!! Do check out her blog where you can see her great work - bet you buy a piece ;)

I would also like to urge any ladies downunder to join the marvellous Connect2mums network - I have already made some wonderful friends there and I'm sure I will find a lot more. It is so wonderful to have such a network for those of us down here in Australia as usually our only option for such camaraderie is based overseas. Of course, in true spirit of my above award I'm welcoming everyone aboard!

OK, I had better include a picture of something I've made recently. Ah yes, a torsade. I only make these occasionally as they are very time consuming - getting the colours just right and not just the combination, but the percentages of each colour. The last one I featured here on my blog sold the first time it was seen in real life, so I decided to make another. This one is a little more subdued in the colour, but very delectable! Made with freshwater pearls in sage, bronze-copper and cranberry, rich red garnet and some sparkling smoky quartz.

Till next :)


  1. Hi Annette, thanks for the lovely comment on the Handmade blog. It was an amazing day.

  2. Wow Annette, I love the colours in that piece! Stunning.
    I too am a big fan of connect2mums - it is nice to have a network of Aussie mums. :-)

  3. Yeah, you've got rain!! Congrats on the award! You are indeed a welcoming blogger!

  4. Oh, that is just lovely. The dark colors compliment each other so well!

  5. Beautiful piece!

    Most of my visitors come from Kansas, California and Texas.

    It's kind of fun to see which countries and states have visited your blog. I think it would be interesting to someday have had someone from every state in the U.S. and country to have visited.

  6. Your new torsade is just gorgeous! It does look like a challenging piece to create. I really love the colors!
    I agree that it's interesting to see where your visitors come from; I find statcounter more useful than google analytics in that regard. Thank you so much for your lovely and supportive comments; it definitely made my day :)

  7. Another stunner, Annette! Congrats on the award.

  8. Annette, this torsade is GORGEOUS! I love the colors!

    Most of my visitors come from the U.S. and Canada. But I love seeing visitors from other countries too! Although, the search words that lead them to my blog are a bit, how shall we say? Unconventional. ;-) LOL!

  9. You deserve the award, Annette. You are the kind of person that makes the internet a welcoming place.

    I love that torsade. The colurs are beautiful.

  10. Well, Annette, you are learning about places and I'm learning about jewellery styles---I'd never heard of torsade before, now I know! Teri

  11. I've heard about rain on a tin roof. There are a lot of song lyrics that refer to it.
    Lovely necklace.

  12. Love that necklace :) A great post as always Annette!

  13. Hi Annette and hope you are well has been a while, love your new design.

  14. I live in Canada, most of my visitors have been from the USA but it is slowly shifting and becoming more Canadians ( although I have been trying to advertise as much as I can in Canada) But I get hits from the coolest sounding spots, I have never heard of either:)

  15. I had no idea you lived on a farm (how did I not know???) I just love the sound of rain, esp on a tin roof (which our new home has! can't wait for the first rain storm there )

    You make the most stunning pieces. one of these days, i will order something.

    ps My visitors come from all over, but like you, i like to see what brings them to me. oddly, I get a lot of people for one particular post I wrote a while back and it's not even one that I thought much of, but apparently, other do :)

  16. You are very welcoming!! Congrats!!

    I guess I had better head over to Creative Blogger one day soon. I haven't been there since I joined. ARG

    So much to do, so little time!!

  17. I think what gives the sound of rain on a tin roof its relaxing qualities ids the nature white noise it produces... drwning out all other sounds. I love it!


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