Thursday 19 March 2009

Courage and Success

In my wanderings around the blogosphere, I found the following quote on Donna-Marie Coggin's blog:
“The difference between a successful man and a failure, is not one’s better abilities or ideas, but the courage one has to act on them”
-Maxwell Maltz

Then I ran into this post on Lori Anderson's blog that epitomises one boy's courage.

And it put me in the mind of success. Sometimes you have to stick to what you believe will work, with your passion and your ideals. It isn't always easy and it isn't that straightforward, but success, when it comes, is just so, well, satisfying!

Our local community held a music festival last weekend - the yearly jazz festival, whilst enjoyed by those who went, was a big drain on the community resources - there were never enough people to help organise, set up, pull down and access was rather tortuous through the national park. But the scenery was gorgeous!

So after last year's festival the committee decided to go biannual and this year run a low-key music event close to town to encourage more townspeople to attend. A lot of people didn't approve and some people said they wouldn't be going.

The day dawned clear and bright, the sun was shining - but it wasn't too hot and all was in readiness. The clouds came over - threatening but nothing too drastic and all continued on as scheduled. People turned up in droves.

Then mid-way through the evening the heavens opened - the stage got wet and dangerous and there was even a black-out. Oh no!!! However, the headline act, in true professional style, just pulled out some smaller equipment from their vehicle, set up in a shed and kept playing. And everyone had a marvellous time (even if they were a little damp!) The town is now full of praise for the event, the organisers are thrilled and for their courage at pursuing their goal, are smelling that sweet, sweet smell of success!

The picture for today is a bright and fresh gemstone bracelet of rock crystal quartz, carnelian, garnet, freshwater pearls, and citrine.


  1. Annette, I did click thru Lori's blog and read the story, I PROMISE! So many times they are heart-breaking but this was inspiring. Talk about a child expanding his limits! Great story, thanks for sharing. Teri

  2. You're post is beautiful!

  3. Hi Annette.
    Great story.
    Have a great day!

  4. Hi Annette.
    Stopping by via MBC.
    Today I'm leaving 100 comments.
    Wish me luck!

  5. Sometimes I feel like I'm bumbling along, never quite certain I'm doing things the right way to be "successful." But I keep plugging away--and hoping! That quote was inspiring. Thanks for sharing it.

  6. Thanks for the mention Annette! I love that quote too.

    And I love your comments about success... it is soooo satisfying, and I think sometimes it's more so when we know what we have been through to achieve that success.

    Love your bracelet too :)


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