Thursday 5 February 2009

Jewellery on the runway

Jewellery is making more and more impact on the fashion runways - the recent shows for spring 2009 featured lots of statement jewellery - masses of cuffs and bangles, huge earrings and a mixture of large, bold necklaces or pendants.

Some of the fashion is rather minimalist and jewellery will make or break these outfits. Maybe it is a reflection on the economy - perhaps the designers are expecting us to purchase more plain items (that will last more than a season) and our accessories will help make the look fashion forward. Even the more flamboyant designers still made a point of including bold jewellery.

Another awards event was on last week - the Director's Guild Awards - and there were a few necklaces in evidence. One that was particularly eyecatching was Marisa Tomei's chunky silver necklace. But, as has been the case recently, earrings were still the major players in the jewellery stakes.

I wanted to share a little piece of wisdom I found on the Business Mums Magazine Blog recently
A smile is a curved line that sets things straight.

How true is that! Even reading it makes you smile.

I occasionally make cuff style bracelets - and they always find a new home quickly. The one pictured above (and below) is a new one-of-a-kind cuff bracelet - delicate in colour but bold in size. Three strands of generous sized pale lilac freshwater pearls are liberally sprinkled with small faceted amethyst gems and the clasp is a discreet sterling silver slide style.

It is an unstructured cuff, however when on will sit comfortably with the three strands next to each other:

I have named the piece Hedy, which is a Greek name meaning 'peaceful' - the soft colouring is very tranquil. It will be on my website soon - keep your eyes peeled!


  1. I think the name is perfect and the lilac hue is beautiful.

  2. I love that you name your jewelry. It's lovely. And such a good business mind you have, watching awards shows for what people are wearing. Unfortunately I just like to make what I like to make and rarely give a thought to what's "in".

  3. That piece has such a beautiful, glowing lustre. Lovely.

  4. I love the cuff! A perfect gift for the February birthday on everyone's list!

  5. I'm always inspired when I see your pearl designs. I somehow feel uncomfortable working with pearls, but your designs always make me want to try again. Your designs are so classic, sophisticated, yet able to be worn anywhere, anytime. Great job, as usual Annette. Teri
    Twitter: Teri_B

  6. Hello there - thanks for visiting me! Your work looks beautiful. xx

  7. Beautiful! and I love the piece of wisdom...put a smile on my face.

  8. That is lovely but I am a sucker for pearls.


I'd love to hear what you think!