Thursday 22 January 2009

Golden Globe sparkle

Well I finally had time to check out the jewels that the stars wore to the Golden Globes recently - wow! I'm so glad to see a return to the necklace. Fashion forecasts have said for some time that they were back and it was brilliant to see the stars embracing them again too - after all, where they go, a lot will follow!

Beyonce wore a diamond fringe, Christina Applegate a vintage yellow diamond flower necklace, Eva Mendez wore a stunning turquoise coloured neckpiece and Elizabeth Banks a three strand pale blue necklace. Marisa Tomei was resplendent in a glittering array of chain necklaces.

Bare shoulders were very much in evidence, and those that decided to forgo the necklace, wore some great earrings - Kate Winslet, Eva Longoria, Anne Hathaway, Amy Adams, Kate Beckinsale and Freida Pinto were on to some winners! And of course some statement bracelets were seen - such as those worn by Sandra Bullock, Debra Messing and Megan Fox.

Ahhh, so much sparkle - it was great to see!

I was interested to read on Heart Harmony of an article in the New Scientist that reveals that many of your choices and behaviours are influenced more than you think by your friends, their friends and even their friend's friends! And not just taste in clothes or design, but things such as happiness, obesity and depression were all found to be profoundly influenced by this ring of people. Apparently the saying that you will only be as successful as the average success of your seven closest friends is ringing more true than ever. It makes you think, doesn't it!

I was also very kindly given a blog award recently, by the lovely Elaine at Commotion from the Ocean of Life blog.

The rules are:

1. Put the award up on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3. Nominate at least seven other blogs.
4. Add links to these blogs on your blog.
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blog

I have selected the following well-deserved blogs that I regularly read to receive this award:

2. It Flickers Dimly
3. Julie Chats
4. This is my World
5. Flora's Blog
6. Wisdom Begun
7. Just Your Everyday Blessed So and So

Oooh, forgot about the necklace at the top of my post.... in the spirit of statement necklaces, this is one that won't go unnoticed! Freshwater pearls in a myriad of colours along with peridot, amethyst and rock crystal quartz and a wonderful big sterling silver clasp.


  1. Annette, I'm so honoured and flattered. I enjoy reading your blog too. Thank you so much. I'll put the award on my blog as soon as I'm done with the chores that never seem to end.

  2. Thanks for the invite. Your blog is awesome! You make beautiful necklaces.

  3. Thank you so much! I love reading your blog as well!!!

  4. Thank you so much, Annette! My first award! Yay! I'll put the link up right after I get lunch on the table! By the way, I stopped by your jewelry store...beautiful pieces!! You are truly talented!

  5. That necklace is GORGEOUS. Sigh. I want!

    By the way, Annette, you are one of the sweetest people I know online. Big hugs and thanks for the award!

  6. Congrats on your award. I am glad necklaces are back in also. I love wearing them. That one is beautiful.

  7. It does make me makes me think I need new friends.

  8. The colors on this necklace are just gorgeous!
    (And congratulations on the award! :-> )

  9. Whoa! Thank you, thank you for the awesome award! Very honored to have received this. And congrats to you as well. Keep bringing the jewels. Love seeing your talent!

  10. That necklace is gorgeous. I love your work.

    Congrats on the award. You deserve it!!

  11. I agree---it is nice to see jewelry coming back and adding to our "look." The Beyonce fring-y necklace has already been interpreted in crystals my another designer and was lovely! I adore the toggle on the pearl set you have on this post----lovely colors. Hope your summer is wonderful as I have cold winter weather here, on the other side of the world! Teri Twitter: Teri_B

  12. Thanks Annette! I love reading your blog too! Have a great week!

  13. wow that is beautiful I just love the colors and just is so delicate looking. Congrats on your award.I always enjoy reading your blog:0)

  14. I agree with the comment about friends being an influence on behavior. Which is why I surround myself with the goofiest group of women I could find. LOL!

  15. Congratulations on a well deserved award Annette. Keep up the greatposts & the beautiful work!


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