Thursday 13 November 2008

Only six weeks to Christmas!

Someone mentioned to me that it is only SIX WEEKS till CHRISTMAS! EEEK! Now I feel really disorganised!! I've been concentrating so much on my spring shows that I haven't done anything about Christmas - not even a gift list. I'm really flat out for the next few weeks, so it's just going to have to wait. Hope I can find my thinking cap at the same time I find some time ;)

I had a minor setback in my health recently and all those treats I've been letting myself have have to be kept as 'treats' rather than as everyday food! It has made me realise, again, just how much our bodies are affected by the environment and the foods we eat. I've tried to go as natural as possible in the products I use and was pleased to find that Aussie company Joliv produces completely handmade, natural skincare and home cleaning products.

Now I'm obviously still in a 'green' phase as the picture I have selected today is a lime green and creamy white blister pearl and icy rock crystal quartz torsade. Totally scrumptious for a fresh, cool look. And I'm so organised it's already on my website!

I will be at the Peel Street Handmade Market in Tamworth this Sunday from 8.30am to 1pm, so please come and see me if you're in the area or visiting the market to pick up some wonderful handcrafted goodies for Christmas.


  1. Just gorgeous Annette! I'm giving you an award, you can read about it on my blog:

    Have a good day!

  2. Does the holiday season come around at the same time every year? Then how does it sneak up on me like this?

  3. Wow this is gorgeous. I found your blog through Kelly. Great to find a creative Australian blog. I will be back to have a look around some more. Your work is truly beautiful.

  4. nice necklaces! I just stopped by to say hi- thanks for the welcome at mom blogger!

  5. NOOOOOO...I am refusing to let Christmas or winter to enter into my realm for another three weeks. I am unwilling to give up on fall. : ) LOL

  6. Gorgeous necklace. just lovely.

    This holiday season sure is sneaking up really fast. i'm not ready either. UGH!

  7. I could have swore that I commented on this. DARN!!

    I think this is beautiful!! I can't believe how close it is to Christmas. I'm not ready at all.

  8. oh just keeps
    getting better..luv
    this necklace!!


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