Monday 25 August 2008

Spring and Fall

Well winter must be coming to an end - we have had some beautiful days recently, very reminiscent of spring. So, in an effort to keep up that feeling I thought I would do a quick rundown of spring fashions. Oh, and since half my readership is on the other side of the world where thoughts are turning to autumn (fall), I've done a quick onceover on fall colours too!

I am also getting ready for our annual holiday! We are heading north to warm sunshine and the beach - so I've been a bit disorganised on the home AND work front. But I'm always up for a bit of surfing and on my travels around my favourite sites found some personalised prints on My New Shiny Shoes - a particularly suitable idea for children with unusual names (ahem, like mine!) And then I was reading Daydream Art Studios blog and saw the wonderful collection of freebies Corinne had from other artists to give away at her local art & craft show. Now that is certainly sharing the love :)

Now onto the fashion colours/update:

Spring 2008 for those of us 'downunder'-

*What you will see lots of - shirt dresses, thin belts, head scarves, pencil skirts, high (but naturally high) waists, feminine dresses.
*Fabrics/Colours - silk, jersey, chiffon, a touch of metallics, black and white, white, prints
*Dresses - Feminine, floral and abstract prints (and pair them with delicate shoes), white white white sundresses, ballerina-chic.
*Overall impression - elegant and classy, think quality not quantity.

Fall 2008 colours for those 'up top'-
*Colours: rich, vibrant. Cool hues with bright undertones. Blue and purple tones are a firm favourite, followed by warm reds, oranges and yellows.

The jewellery item I've selected for today is a brand new one of a kind necklace from my new spring collection - in fact, you're the first to see it! Lemon citrine and 12ct gold fill - the lemon citrine has been cut into the most beautiful abstract shapes and are lightly faceted and incredibly clear. I think it would look very elegant with either the spring or fall fashions! Scrumptious. :)

Due to my above mentioned holidays I will be away in the sun, sand and surf so won't be posting till mid-September. BUT I am taking a LOT of jewellery projects with me (yes, woe is my long-suffering family) so I promise to come back laden with new pretties to look at!

Till next....


  1. What a coincidence - I picked up on those personalised frames as well - great minds!

    Enjoy your holiday.

  2. Annette..your citrine piece is gorgeous!!! Have a fabulous time on holiday!

  3. I love the lemon one ... very spring and summery!

    Have a great holiday!!

    Elizabeth xx

  4. The shapes of those citrines are absolutely stunning.

    Enjoy your sunshine.

  5. I love that necklace! the shape of the stones is gorgeous! Have a great time on holiday! I miss being at the beach:(

  6. Have a great time Annette! I know you mentioned there won't be any Internet where you're going but I'm sure you'll be thankful to be away from it for a while. You'll be surprised.

    Anyway, HAVE A GREAT TIME!

    That necklace is absolutely stunning!

  7. Thanks for mentioning our Personalised Frames Annette. I know you've heard it before but that necklace is absolutely stunning - you have outdone yourself.

    Have a great holiday and enjoy the r & r

  8. Annette, I'm watching those trends too, but for fall, not summer! I was surprised to hear the purple being big "up here" but even more surprising was the appearance of yellow. Sure, deep, warm shades but still, that's different for winter! Wish I could be in Australia with you 1/2 a year and avoid winter FOREVER!

  9. Another gorgeous piece!! I just love your work.

    Ah yes, you're warming up and just today, I swear I could smell fall in the air. There was just something there. Not a week ago, we were complaining of 100's and now that August is ending, you know cooler weather isn't far behind.

  10. Annette, I've given you an award. You can check it out on my blog!! you deserve it for your wonderful creations and entertaining blog!!

  11. We've just gotten back from a quick holiday to San Francisco and it was lovely and warm there. Ahhh ... would love to go on holidays again!

    Have a great time and don't work too hard! I'm sure you will get lots of inspiration whilst on the beach chilling!

  12. I liked the collection, its too good

  13. have a great holiday, i must check and see if those divine earrings i was looking at are still there!!!

  14. nice creation the colour of the beads i like the most.


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