Monday 2 June 2008

Sites to sell and network in

It's been a bit of a whirlwind couple of weeks down here on the farm :) My daughter broke her arm a few weeks ago and after numerous trips to the Base Hospital (140km away) the cast is now off. Yay! My inlaws have been away so husband has been doing lots of extra running around looking after their property and it seems the children have had extra curricular activities all the time!

But not one to rest on my laurels, I finally did what I have been meaning to do for almost two years and that is open an Etsy store. Yes, you heard me - TWO years. Three days off it in fact. That's pretty awful isn't it. I was spurred into doing it by a great little networking group that has now officially become an Etsy street team called eSMArts. Cool, eh. Check out my *new* Etsy store here.

AND I joined an Australian Etsy-like site called Made It and have a few items listed there too. And of course I've been on the Canadian version - icraft - for a couple of months now.

I'm sure you remember me mentioning Posh Mama, that great social networking site for mums and Everything Skwiggle for the creator in all of us. Well, I've found a couple of more - Divapreneur and Indie Inspire Co.! I'm also a dedicated member of a couple Aussie networking sites too - the WAHM network at the BlogWhammy group. I have met the loveliest people through these sites, found the most interesting blogs and made quite a few customers too! One blog that I was checking out today was EP Designs. I'm not really into shabby chic but Elena does it with style!

Golly. It's a wonder I have any time to create at all!

But I do :)

Above is a pair of simple yet stunning earrings. Beautiful flat nuggets of aquamarine hang from sterling silver earhooks. Simplicity at its best.

Have a great day!


  1. Annette, you do some lovely work. All the best with your Etsy store :)

  2. Hi Annette!
    You make very beautiful jewelery, I just checked out your blog and ETSY store and it is all wonderful!!

    I see you live near Coolah, you would know Gulgong I would think where my parents owned a holiday farm for over 20 years, we used to go there every weekend! :)

    Otherwise I am originally from the Eastern Suburbs in Sydney, but have lived in the USA for 15 years now. I hope to move the whole family back to Syd in a couple years when the husband retires from the Navy.

    Thanks for visiting/commenting on my blog, I hope you come back again soon!

  3. Wow I can't believe your hubby lived in Bondi too, my parents house (where I grew up my whole life) is in Centennial/Queens Park area, I used to go to Bondi Beach every day as a kid/teen (you know....baking yourself like a roast dinner covered in baby oil lol).

    It is a small world huh!

    Yep they owned the farm up until about 9 years ago, dad got sick (with cancer) and the drive was too much for him, so they sold it. Dad especially was devastated, he built the house from scratch on the land (only 50 acres) and loved that place, they actually were going to retire up there eventually.

    Hey if you ever fancy emailing me click on the link in my blog to my ETSY store and convo me (I am funny about putting my email out in public you know).

    Have a good one (is that really yanky??) lol

  4. Those Australian sites look really interesting, Annette.
    I'll be sure to check them out. :)

  5. Wow, your jewelry is beautiful! I make beaded jewelry as well. I used to do it as a business, under the name Fire and Ice Creations, but I had to stop because I wasn't making enough real money and mostly doing it as a business took away from the joy of playing with beads. I believe in "sparklies for everyone!" (used to be my tagline). Mostly I used Swarovski crystals -- I was afraid of the more natural stones. They require a bolder eye than I have for design and man, oh, man you have definitely got it! Your Hemera bracelet is beautiful and simple elegance at its best!

  6. Hi Annette!
    I'm really enjoying your encouraging and upbeat comments on the eSMArts forum. The newbies will drink in your insights so thanks!

    I just added your blog link to my blog. Also I changed the database to include blog and web urls. I've put your blog link in there.

    Keep up the great posts!
    Anna Lee in Toronto

  7. Hi Annettte, thanks for all those great links. I'm looking at venturing more online so I'll definitely check them out. Thanks Jenny.


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