Saturday 26 January 2008

Random acts of kindness and a pearl and gem necklace

It's the last week of the school holidays and we made a mad dash to the coast for a few days to catch a little summer weather and let the children go to the beach - a rarity reserved for once or twice a year. We also managed to catch up with two sets of good friends that moved that way a couple of years ago and our children are still 'best friends' regardless of the distance. Its wonderful to see them pick right up where they left off and play and play and play and play.....

I was saddened to hear this week of Heath Ledger's death. This Australian actor obviously had a lot of talent and ability. He appeared kind, down to earth and was from a normal Aussie home in Perth, Western Australia. He even attended the same school as one of our family members, which makes his death a touch personal. His death is still being investigated but it certainly brings a dose of reality to our lives - we never know what is around the corner and we should make the most of every day.

Along this line, I vote for some random acts of kindness to make the world a better place to live! I found some great examples here at the Rainbow Designs blog. Have you done any of these? I am pleased to report I have done the majority (though am yet to pay for someone else's toll!!) and I can guarantee they will make you feel better! Go on, try one :)

I haven't made any jewellery this week although I keep looking at my bench longingly. With children back to school next week, perhaps I will have some time to sit there then. In the meantime, I have posted a picture of a piece made a couple of weeks ago in a summer frame of mind. You all know I love pearls and this necklace combines them in the wonderful colours of lime, palest pink, white and lolly pink. Scattered throughout is some rose quartz, rock crystal quartz and peridot gemstones and it is finished with a simple sterling silver toggle clasp. Do you like it?

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