Wednesday 25 April 2012

The Wanderer has Returned and Clutter Concerns

Woodgate Beach

The last few days at Woodgate proved a bit busier as we got a little more active - the kids had us riding everywhere, walks, runs and swimming at the beach and since we couldn't put it off any longer, some jobs around the house - painting, organising and cleaning (since it will be months till we get back and no one cleans like you do!)

As promised from my last post, here are some pics - they were taken in the late afternoon so the beach is rather shady unlike most of the day.

We enter the beach here

Looking for interesting shells is a regular activity

The girls having races on the beach :)

After a mammoth 12 hour trip yesterday, we're back home. The kids are far better at travelling these days but my oh my we were all stiff when we emerged.

My first impressions of being home, albeit in the headlights since it was dark - the grass hasn't grown much so there hasn't been much rain (not so good for the crops but good for son who does the mowing!), it's decidely chilly (like slippers and jumper chilly ... rather different to the heat and humidity of the last couple of days) and on entering the house, 'thankgoodness its clean and tidy but we've just got too much "stuff"!'.

I realised in the last few days on holidays, that the kids had actually been perfectly happy with a minimum amount of things - well, apart from running out of books to read. The rest of the time, they rode their bikes around Woodgate, went to the beach and played games that we keep up there.

But here we are back home and they have 'stuff' everywhere. Stuff that they hardly (if at all) look at let alone use or play with. And I'm not much better - while my studio is full and a bit chaotic its what I need to get things done.  But the study is overflowing with my (and everyone's) excess 'stuff', the garage is likewise full, as is the storage landing in the shed.

I have been hit with the clarity of eyes that have been unused to clutter and my need for those built-in wardrobes in at least 2 rooms (that we've been talking about for at least 4 years) is coming to a head! It will be a good excuse for a clean out in those rooms at least, and I need to take a firm hand with all those 'one day it might be useful' items that ends up the study ... before getting moved to the garage ... and then onto the shed. The next stop should be the tip, but how often does that really happen in anyone's life!?

So I'm on a mission - I badly need to get back into the studio but I will have to set aside time for the great clutter cleanout! Well, at least until I run out of steam and get too used to it all again.

Any tips for me in my endeavour to live (or at least get back to) clutter-free?  If so, do let me know, I'll need all the help I can get!


Wednesday 18 April 2012

A Holiday - Good Intentions and A Refreshed Outlook

I am currently stitting in a totally idyllic spot about 10metres from lightly rolling waves crashing onto a thin crescent of golden sand. The sun has been up for about an hour and is already very bright, glinting off the waves and creating a wonderful picture. Of course, I didn’t think to bring my camera right now so you’re going to have to imagine it!

I’m in the midst of a family holiday in Woodgate, Queensland. It is a pretty little town perched between the sea and the national park and a popular destination for locals to come to fishing or to the beach for short breaks. It is outside school holidays in Queensland at the moment and the air is crisp in the morning with autumn, the occasional local is walking or biking along the picturesque Esplanade getting their morning paper, walking their dog or just enjoying the air, to the sound of rolling waves on the adjacent beach. The odd soul I’m sure is heading off for work too (although work doesn’t seem to feature prominently in this sunny corner of Queensland :) )

I had wonderful intentions this holiday of sorting the hundreds of photos from our trip to Italy, of spending my time productively pre-writing blog posts, of going for runs along the beach and taking photos of the abundant wildlife here, the scenery and the children.

Instead, I’ve melted into a totally relaxed state. I’ve not had the presence of mind to be productive at all – so I’ve read a novel a day, I’ve played board games with the children, I’ve gone for lots of long walks (usually with ice cream as the promised destination) and caught up with family that we rarely see.

I do get up before everyone else – but I just enjoy the solitude and the peace (like this morning when I’ve run away (albeit with my laptop in tow) to sit here on the beach and write!).

We managed a full day shopping in nearby Bundaberg yesterday ostensibly to top up on replacements for the house here which is rented out as a holiday rental the rest of the year and things inevitably break, stop working, need updating or just get worn.

Imagine my delight when in between the tasks of looking for a new picture for the twin room (the photo had fallen and broken) and trying to find new, bright and slightly beachy looking doona covers - for some reason incredibly difficult to do here, I found a clothes boutique. An attractive window display with clothes that I thought I may be able to pull off drew me in and then when I admitted I needed a bit of updating and could they help dress this slightly rubenesque figure I’ve developed in my 40’s, they took me under their care, showed me new possibilities, gave wonderful advice and the resulting outfits made me feel great and added a spring to my step that I didn’t realise had been faltering.

I rarely shop for more than necessities at home or things for the children and spending some time concentrating on me was extremely therapeutic. Walking away with those lovely carry bags after this encounter, made me understand more how my clients feel – the possibilities of something new or different can raise your outlook and increase your self esteem endlessly! And great customer service, which I always strive to give is so wonderful to receive!

Of course, I’m already planning on the jewellery to make to wear with these new clothes :). And may have to do a tiny bit of shoe shopping as well (oh the anguish that will cause…. lol).

With another week to go, perhaps I will finally get to my good intentions list, but for the moment, I’m just going to kick back, read another book, play another board game and cook for the family and spring my new wardrobe onto my slightly unsuspecting hubby!

Till next – promise a photo next time!